Card Appearances talk:Riryoku

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I think that we should split Riryoku and Ryoku.

They are two completely different cards.

They do not have similar effects or artworks at all. The only thing that they have in common is vaguely-similar-sounding names.

And by that logic, should we combine Sasuke Samurai, Sasuke Samurai 2, Sasuke Samurai 3, and Sasuke Samurai 4?

Absolutely not.

May I request a split? --GoldenSandslash15 01:04, December 28, 2009 (UTC)

The artworks are similar - they show the same thing, just from different angles. Pretty much every card from that period had its image re-drawn, anyways.
The names are only off by one syllable, which is probably just a translation/transcription/(pronunciation?) error.
The effects are similar, and extremely similar if you use weird Duelist Kingdom logic. Imagine that the card targets the player(s) in DK, and the effect targets a monster in the real card game. The player doesn't have ATK, so "Riryoku" drains LP instead.
Both cards have the same Japanese name.
I see no reason to separate the pages. --Deus Ex Machina (Talk) 01:21, December 28, 2009 (UTC)