Forum:Absolute Diva Dude

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Well I made this deck and it usually kills against the decks I play against except for the True Six Sam deck my friend has, this deck can only give that a run for its money. The deck is pretty fast and powerful so I wondered if anyone could help push it further with any card suggestions or what to drop, you know make it faster and more consistant basically tournament worthy at least tier 2 would be nice.

So any tips or suggestions would be very welcome, thanksThorin7 (talkcontribs) 06:23, December 22, 2010 (UTC)

Shameless Bump



I changed a few spells in the deck, SOMEONE please hit this up and give some feedback. (talk) 21:18, December 26, 2010 (UTC)



Shameless Drunken Bump



Out of all you people helping decks that are bat shit crazy you can't take a moment to help mine? Fuck it (excuse my love of vodka)