Forum:Aegis of the ocean dragon lord

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if i have a "legendary ocean" on my side of the field and my opponent activates "mystical space typhoon" targeting it, if i chain "aegis of the ocean dragon lord" to the activation of mst while i control a face up lv4 (printed) water monster, will it be protected by aotodl afterwards since it was considered a lv3 water monster (due to alo) when aotodl resolved? or no?

Thank you

Nazias Kram173.172.80.94 (talk) 08:28, August 15, 2011 (UTC)

Based on the ruling: "This effect applies to all Level 3 or lower WATER monsters you control, even ones that you Summon after this card's resolution."
You can extrapolate that if a monster's level is increased, it will not be protected any more. -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 08:34, August 15, 2011 (UTC)