Forum:Angry Birds(Dragunity)

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  • Dragunity Dux x3
  • Dragunity Phalanx x3
  • Dragunity Legionnaire x3
  • Dragunity Aklys x2
  • Dragunity Arma Mistletainn x2
  • Debris Dragon x2
  • Shield Wing x2
  • Dragunity Arma Leyvaten x1


  • Dragon Ravine x3
  • Cards of Consonance x3
  • Terraforming x3
  • Pot of Avarice x2
  • Mystical Space Typhoon x2
  • Monster Reborn x1
  • Dark Hole x1


  • Icarus Attack x2
  • Bottomless Trap Hole x2
  • Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi x1
  • Torrential Tribute x1
  • Solemn Judgment x1

Main Deck Total: 40

Extra Deck:

  • Stardust Dragon x3
  • Dragunity Knight - Vajuranda x3
  • Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg x2
  • Dragunity Knight - Gae Dearg x2
  • Ally of Justice - Catastor x2
  • Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1
  • Colossal Fighter x1
  • Trident Dragion x1

Extra Deck Total: 15

Hey guys, long time no see. Here's my new Main Deck, check it out, tell me what you think, and offer any suggestions. I'm looking for different vantage points on this Deck.

-E-Dizzle (talkcontribs) 19:14, March 5, 2011 (UTC)

you are only allowed to play Icarus Attack once

Umm, sorry, but Icarus is at two. And please sign your posts with four tildes(~ <-- These)

--E-Dizzle (talkcontribs) 22:54, March 5, 2011 (UTC)

Ignoring that dude who tell you about Icarus Attack, he's from other planet with bad banlist. I think your deck recipe look great so far. Hope you can handle them well. --FredCat 22:59, March 5, 2011 (UTC)

To be honest, I wouldn't run ANY Icarus Attack in Dragunities. Why would I say this? To answer, I'll examine why Icarus Attack is so good in Blackwings.
  • Blackwings like having Winged Beasts in the graveyard. Dragunity really don't - except for Shield Wing, which can get there easily enough anyways.
  • Blackwings can generate spare Winged Beasts - through Bora, Shura, Vayu, Black Whirlwind. Dragunity... can't. They can't get extra monsters for tributing on-field, because you'll be using those monsters for synchro summons.
  • Blackwings run ALL Winged Beasts, and Dragunity don't.
  • Blackwings don't have much destruction other than Icarus Attack - barring Delta Crow and staples. But Dragunity DO. With Legionnaire and Aklys, you will have the ability to destroy your opponent's cards.
So that's why I advise that you don't run any copies of Icarus Attack. Runer5h (talkcontribs) 23:58, March 5, 2011 (UTC)Runer5h

You should use 2 legionaire and 3 Aklys, it works so much better. You also need 1 Barcha, but isn't out yet...i think maybe in Duel Terminal. With Dragunity you really don't need Icarus Attack, but you need some backfield support like 7 Tools & Solemn Warning will be needed also Compulsory Evacuation can be used as well. Another card that goes great is Mist Valley Falcon you will see why if you play it. Automation44 (talkcontribs) 01:06, March 6, 2011 (UTC)Automation44

Thanks for the suggestions. As to why I run Icarus, it's a card that provides an out to things that other cards I have do not provide. It also combos with Legionnaire and Aklys to create mass Destruction. Also, Runer, don't forget that Aklys only kills things that are face-up, which is rather mediocre because I'd like to be able to nerf EVERYTHING. In addtion, with Pot of Avarice in the fray, I can easily recycle my Winged Beasts. Finally, Icarus allows me to get something out of a Dux that would get bottomlessed or a Legionnaire that would get Trap Holed.

In response to the suggestion to drop Legion to two, I see where you're getting at, but think of it this way: Legion not only serves as one of my main engines of destruction for the Deck, but it also creates an easy way for me to sync for Catastor and Hyper Librarian.

Thanks for the suggestions. Keep em coming!

-E-Dizzle (talkcontribs) 18:35, March 7, 2011 (UTC)

Umm... no, actually - Aklys can destroy any card, face-up or face-down. It's just Legionnaire that can only destroy face-up cards. Runer5h (talkcontribs) 00:11, March 8, 2011 (UTC)Runer5h

if i were you id add LADD in the deck the LADD loop done right is amazing and runner boy wat the hell r ya talkin about? icarus attack is better in draguitys then blackwings because not only can you combo off of ravine but also the fact that when you use legionnaires effect essencially you have a dead monster with no equip (which most likely be aklys) you need the icarus attacks in there to help kill your opponents field and control the field trust me ive been playing dragunitys for about a year now i know every inside and out to them they need the icarus attacks also drizzle if i were you id bump up miyabi to 2 and try running a mist wurm its pretty easy to pull off and soo geewwwwddddd Raiga (talkcontribs) 00:29, March 8, 2011 (UTC)

Pfft, I've been playing Dragunities since they were announced.
As for the LaDD loop... well, I've found that it's surprisingly difficult to set up, even with Dragon Canyon and Future Fusion. And in any case, your opponent need only bounce Leyvaten and the loop ends, if you don't have another Leyvaten in your graveyard (or if they happen to bounce Light and Darkness Dragon FIRST). So it's a good bit of work for not much payoff to set up the Leyvaten Rider loop. Why bother when you can instead focus your deck around wrecking fields and synchro summoning legitimately huge (not just 2600-ATK) monsters?
I've meanwhile found that Icarus Attack (and by extension, Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi) is unnecessary, because of Legionnaire and Dux. It's true that Legionnaire makes a good target after its effect has been used, but it wrecks your opponent's field so well that Icarus is not at all needed, and space is much better used for other cards. I mean, if a Legionnaire stays on the field after it's been used... OK, whatever. It's got 1200 ATK, and it can soak up battle damage nicely. Not to mention the fact that I've noticed Dragunities to run VERY few Winged-Beasts... I only ran 8, 6 of which were Dragunities. The three Legionnaires made good targets, but Dux is a horrific one, because it confers no benefit while in the graveyard and you'll probably be synchro summoning a monster with it the first turn it hits the field.
On the other hand, I can see that there is a definite benefit to running Icarus Attack, especially since you're running Shield Wing (I never used the Debris-Shield combo). I just found Icarus to be very unnecessary in my deck. The choice is yours, E-Dizzle... but I BEG you to not include Miyabi. Tribute a WIND monster to spin an opponent's card? That's an overall -1, something that Dragunities really cannot afford.
You see, one of the main weaknesses of Dragunities is their inability to maintain their own advantage. Legionnaire and Aklys allow them to very effectively destroy opponent's cards, but they have difficulty in creating their own net gains. I ran 3 Pot of Avarice in my Dragunities - it was usable, it recycled my Duxes, but potentially more important was this: It gave me more cards than I started with, something that's rare in that archetype. I wouldn't use two of my cards to remove one two of my opponent's, not when the same result can be accomplished by giving up NONE of my cards.
These are my thoughts, derived from long experience. Make of them what you will. Runer5h (talkcontribs) 03:03, March 8, 2011 (UTC)Runer5h

obviously your running them wrong icarus attack to clear out 2 cards while gettin rid of potential threats is an amazing thing miyabi gets around stardust and its never a -1 if you play the deck right dux in the grave is a good thing hes your main bridge for lv 6 and 8 syncs while legionnaire is your bridge for 5s and 7s hes gonna end up in the graveyard dragunities have no problem maintaining advantage played right and the LADD loop is extremely easy to set up with ravine and future fusion ravine is a slower method obviously but ditch a leyvaten to ditch LADD and then summon dux or legionnaire and either go for the sync, destruction, or abuse leyvaten and the LADD loop will still go off if leyvatens bounced cuz technicly LADDs destroyed by game mechanics and goody plant a ravine next turn ditch leyvaten and ditch or search drizzle take it from a GOOD player dragunitys have no prob keepin there consistancy and as long as your running at least one PoA your set dragunitys are gonna be top tier and an amazing deck to play trust me go with my advice and you'll be winning a hell of a lot more then runers advice Raiga (talkcontribs) 03:15, March 8, 2011 (UTC)

As to Aklys, Runer, I stand corrected. But I still like Miyabi in there because it allows me to dodge Stardust, MBASS, and it messes with Grandmaster. Not to mention, while Miyabi on its own is a -1, it becomes a very strong one-for-one with Aklys in the mix. For that reason, I will continue to include Miyabi. Thanks for the tips, tho. I know you have been running Drags for a while; I looked at your build several times in the past, and I have to say, I like them. If you guys have anymore suggestions, feel free to make them.

-E-Dizzle (talkcontribs) 20:38, March 8, 2011 (UTC)

In response to Raiga, I have a lot of respect for my friend Runer here, and he has helped me out with several Decks in the past. Please show him some proper courtesy and do not say that he has no experience with the Deck, as he legitimately does.

-E-Dizzle (talkcontribs) 20:40, March 8, 2011 (UTC)

deal with it if it takes him a year and he still dosent understand how the deck properly works he needs to get better at the game Raiga (talkcontribs) 01:52, March 9, 2011 (UTC)

What you've got here is a very nice setup. I'm running a pure Dragon deck that benefits greatly from the Dragunity series, but I don't see how I can speed it up. If you've got any suggestions, I'd love to hear them (my thread is the one named 'Red-Eyes Nova Legion')

I know Runer5h has good experience, but I disagree with him comparing Dragunity to Blackwings because they work quite differently. Icarus works well if you can get the Grave=><=Field cycle going. Because they are pure WIND, Dragunity can be easily supported by other WIND monsters, which is why a selection of them are included in the structure deck. These other monsters can help the cycle, so have a look at them when you get the chance. Also, unlike Blackwings, Dragunity can actually do lots of things the staple cards do, so in a Dragunity deck, you don't necessarily need all the staples (and in fact, some staples slow it down).

By the way, Automation44 was suggesting Dragunity Knight Barcha? When Barcha is added to your deck, be sure you be very careful when picking your monsters, as some effects do not stack AT ALL. Just to point out, Barcha's attack boosting isn't amazing. The equip cards that come with Dragunity Legion give a bigger boost, and Vylon Matter can not only put three equips back into the deck, but also can contribute towards the field destruction (or you can draw a card). Mist Valley Falcon is hillarious XD He can pop any and every card back to it's owner's hand. Admittedly it's one at a time (unless he's riding Brandistock, which you can pull off with Dragon Mastery), and the attack power is moderate (it's high for a Lv 4, but it's not amazing). Compulsory Evac is like MVF's effect, which is really useful for field clearance, as well as popping those annoying Synchro and Fusion monsters back into the deck. Hmm... Solemn Warning and 7 Tools are okay, but anyone with a head screwed on should expect these to turn up. When your life-points are low, both of these are useless.

I also agree with Runer5h about Miyabi, but given it gets around quite a few cards, it's not bad.

--Tazer Silverscar (talkcontribs) 02:51, March 10, 2011 (UTC)

In fact, I know that Dragunity runs quite differently than Blackwings. That was my point, to demonstrate that because of the different ways that Blackwings and Dragunities run, BW can use Icarus Attack, but Dragunity can't. Not nearly so easily, anyways (in addition to being able to use Legionnaire and Aklys, which somewhat reduces the need for other field-clearers). Runer5h (talkcontribs) 03:34, March 10, 2011 (UTC)Runer5h

The reason I opt to use Icarus over other alternatives is that Icarus is essentially, beyond a monster destruction card, one of my main forms of backrow removal. With Storm long gone, Cold Wave banned(thank God), and only Trunade to deal with massive backrows, Icarus is my answer. I know that Legionnaire + Aklys is an amazing destruction tandem. I've been using it for the last 3 monthes that I've been running Dragunities. But it's not enough. Legionnaire can only activate when my opponent has a face-up monster, which in turn, limits Aklys, as well. But when my opponent creates an opening, Icarus and the Legionnaire/Aklys engine helps to wedge that opening wide enough to press for massive damage. Not to mention, Icarus also allows my cards like Dux and now, Militum, to dodge cards like Bottomless and Torrential, while still controlling the field for me. These reasons are why I insist on running Icarus.

-E-Dizzle (talkcontribs) 09:00, March 11, 2011 (UTC)

Angry Birds(Dragunities) Mk. V

Alright guys, I've been busy working with my Deck, and after seeing Dragunities have success at the YCS level, I've made a few more changes. Check it out.

Monsters: 14 Dragunity Dux x3 Dragunity Phalanx x3 Dragunity Legionnaire x3 Dragunity Aklys x3 Effect Veiler x2

Spells: 16 Cards of Consonance x3 Dragon Canyon x3 Terraforming x3 Pot of Avarice x2 Mystical Space Typhoon x2 Giant Trunade x1 Monster Reborn x1 Dark Hole x1

Traps: 10 Icarus Attack x2 Bottomless Trap Hole x2 Trap Stun x2 Seven Tools of the Bandit x2 Torrential Tribute x1 Solemn Judgment x1

Extra Deck: 15 Stardust Dragon x3 Dragunity Knight - Vajuranda x3 Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg x2 Dragunity Knight - Gae Dearg x2 Ally of Justice - Catastor x2 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1 Colossal Fighter x1 Trident Dragion x1

Rate, Comment, Suggest!

-E-Dizzle (talkcontribs) 19:31, March 25, 2011 (UTC)

...That is just the YCS deck, but with 1 more alky & budget verions of the traps, right?-Resk (Talk) 10:48, March 26, 2011 (UTC)
  • Essentially. I'm too poor to afford Dualities and Warnings... :( But the build works wonders, I can see why the variants of this build topped.

-E-Dizzle (talkcontribs) 16:01, March 28, 2011 (UTC)

Cards of Consonance is really only effective in the opening hand. After that you've probably dumped all your Tuners anyway, so all it's good for is a Ravine drop. I only run 2, and I'm considering dropping it entirely. Dragunity Arma Mystletainn is seriously underestimated. I run 3 and have always gotten major profit off of using it. I'd drop both Icarus and one Cards of Consonance for 3 of him. I also think that 2 Trap Stun AND 2 Seven Tools is overkill. I'd drop one of the four for a Mirror Force. I find Dragunity SYnchros other than Vajrayana are pretty useless, including the overestimated Gae Dearg. I've never even considered summoning him before. I'd drop all 4 non-Vajs for some more Synchro variety, like Scrap Dragon, Magical Android, and the also-underestimated Thought Ruler Archfiend. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 00:23, March 29, 2011 (UTC)

  • With Canyon, I've never had a problem getting off at least two of my Consonances, and I love having a draw engine in this Deck. Since Day 1, this Deck has done nothing but benefitted off of Consonance. As for Mistletoe, I think he's great also, but not for this build. I'm trying to streamline the strategy of the Deck, keeping it as simple as possible. I also think that Mistletoe runs a huge risk, as he has to send a Dragunity monster you control to the grave in order to easily access him. This may not seem like a big deal at first, but if he gets Bottomlessed, Oppressed, or Warned, you're in trouble. For that same reason, Dux is also a HUGE target for those same cards, which is why I run Seven Tools and Trap Stun. Mirror Force is nice, but it doesn't solve the Deck's weakness to Warning and Skill Drain. Trap Stun helps me push, as well as negating things, so it compliments Trunade well. Lastly, in regards to your comment on Icarus, I think I made it clear earlier that Icarus is my main form of backrow removal, as well as a strong one-for-one that combos with Legionnaire and Aklys to create a massive destruction engine. I've playtested the Deck without Icarus, and I've missed having it in every Duel. Plus, having Icarus creates that psychological mind f**k for the opponent, and sometimes that mind f**k will win you games.

-E-Dizzle (talkcontribs) 04:54, March 29, 2011 (UTC)

  • I also think that Gae Dearg is a great card in the Deck. He is essentially my monster version of Canyon, which is great when I don't have a Canyon to work with. Gae Bulg plays a very small, yet key role for the Deck, as he can help pile up the damage very quickly and can serve as an out to big monsters when I don't have my destruction cards. Plus, he serves as great bait for Warnings or Bottomless.

-E-Dizzle (talkcontribs) 04:59, March 29, 2011 (UTC)