Forum:Best 15-30$ decks that are fun and competitive

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Insert Deck Name Here

Monster Cards (Insert Number of Monsters here)

  • Insert Monster Name 1
  • Insert Monster Name 2
  • Insert Monster Name 3
  • Insert Monster Name 4

Spell Cards (Insert Number of Spells here)

  • Insert Spell Name 1
  • Insert Spell Name 2
  • Insert Spell Name 3
  • Insert Spell Name 4

Trap Cards (Insert Number of Traps here)

  • Insert Trap Name 1
  • Insert Trap Name 2
  • Insert Trap Name 3
  • Insert Trap Name 4

— This unsigned comment was made by 0Storm (talkcontribs)


I really enjoy using the Invincible Fortress Structure Deck. It's a bretty goodd deck for editing and building upon but also good for casual play. You might need to add a few cards to counter newer decks such as Pendelum decks as the Invincible Fortress deck is relatively old. It's a defensive deck unless you edit it. It is also easy to use but people might get little pissed by the stalling (and the Exxod strategy). Pros: It's pretty good. If you don't modify it it will be better than most other unmodified structure decks. -It's around 20 bucks on Amazon, here's the link- -Win by default much? -Will get some people mad if you're into that. Cons: You will probably have to stall. Defense oriented, but there are 2 Sword and Shields- can be used with Exxod's 4000 def and Megarock dragon can be used for attack

Many pendelum decks are good, fun, and easy to use. Pros: It's a pendelum deck Cons: It's a pendelum deck (can be pretty basic if a starter-like one is bought) -The pendelum effects make it so there is more to read.

I find decks with XYZ monsters as the focus also fun, you could get one or both of the Utopia structure decks for under $30. You would be able to summon Number 39 pretty quickly, especially if you have a Goblinburg, and uprade it with Barrens Forces. You could add cards like Utopia Ray Victory and Utopia Ray V (which you can get through the use of barren forces) and make it extremely annoying to destroy your Number Monsters with number wall. Pros: Can get good cards out very early and destroy your opponent (if you're lucky) -Will get out good cards even if you're not lucky -Simple and fun, easy to make much better with a few cards. Cons: Some cards have long effect. Here's an example of a deck: — This unsigned comment was made by PoofinCS (talkcontribs)