Forum:Blackwing Deck (need suggestions or tips please)

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Hello, Adamtheamazing64 here with the need of others' advice on Blackwings. Going to a regionals (for the first time, very nervous). Anyways, can some of you guys take a look at my Blackwing Deck and give me some pointers on how to improve it please. Thanks. here's how I run it currently.

Monsters x33 Blackwing -Shura the Blue Flame x2 -Gale the Whirlwind x1 -Fane the Steel Chain x2 -Elphin the Raven x1 -Blizzard the Far North x1 -Sirroco the Dawn x2 -Bora the Spear x2 -Gust the Backblast x1 -Ghibli the Searing Winds x1 -Kault the Moon Shadow x1 -Ministral the Sivler Shield x1 Hunter of Blackfeathers x1 Alector, Sovereign of Birds x1 Spell Reactor RE x3 Trap Reactor Y FI x3 Summon Reactor x3 The Big Saturn x1 Flying Fortress SKY FIRE x1 Morphing Jar x1 Morphing Jar #2 x1 Blast Sphere x3

Spells x12 Different Dimmension Capsule x1 Against the Wind x1 MST x1 Monster reincarnation x1 Bait Doll x1 Pot of Avarice x1 Black Whirlwind x1 Blackwinged Strafe x1 Card Destruction x1 Raptor Wing Strike x1 Lightning Vortex x1 Pot of Benevolence x1

Traps x15

Ceasefire x1 Blackwing - Blacklash x1 Ultimate Offering x1 Call of the Haunted x1 Shadow Spell x1 Dust Tornado x1 Mirror Force x1 Fake Feather x1 Scrap-Iron Scarecrow x1 Icarus Attack x1 Blackwing - Bombardment x1 Magic Cylinder x1 Fake Explosion x1 Dimmensional Prison x1 Black Thunder x1

Extra Deck

Blackwing- -Armor Master -Silverwind the Ascendant -Armed Wing Power Tool Dragon Red Dragon Archfiend Stardust Dragon Armory Arm X-Saber Urbellum x2 Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth x2 Goyo Guardian Infernity Doom Dragon X-Saber Wayne (need a level 5 monster) Colossal Fighter

You put in WAY too many cards in here. Keep it at 40.

For monsters, take out Hunter of Blackfeathers x1, Alector, Sovereign of Birds x1, Spell Reactor RE x3, Trap Reactor Y FI x3, Summon Reactor x3, The Big Saturn x1, Flying Fortress SKY FIRE x1, Morphing Jar x1, Morphing Jar #2 x1, Blast Sphere x3.

Try to make it as close to this as possible and see how it works:


--Skiesthelimit 21:33, June 13, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for your help, but I don't have even half of the suggested cards, no expensive cards like god says NO or Plaguespreader. Sorry. Also, I tried the deck while getting rid of the Machine type monsters. It was fast, but there just isn't any trap/spell negation support. While I was able to perform the one turn kill with the deck, it kept falling into the opponent's Magic Cylinder, ending it greatly. Overall, I think that I will place some counter traps into the deck and see how it works. Anymore advice would be nice thank you. Adamtheamazing64 22:07, June 13, 2010 (UTC)

The best counter traps I suggest are Solemn Judgment and Dark Bribe. Also, put in 2 or 3 Book of Moon. Its one of the best cards in the game. It can stop cards such as Brain Control, Magic Cylinder, and even Mirror Force. As for massive spell/trap removal, try Delta Crow - Anti Reverse. It can get rid of traps before they get a chance to activate. --Skiesthelimit 23:04, June 13, 2010 (UTC)

Thank you skiesthelimit, I improvised the deck with Divine Wrath for I do not have God says NO, and as for Book of Moon, I have no idea what to remove for it. I'm at a loss for monsters. I removed the machine type monsters, lowering my deck to 45. 15 monsters and the rest spell and trap support. Pure blackwing of a deck so far. Allector is also out and I added Heavy Storm. ( I have no Anti reverse) Also added another Blackwhirlwind and a Kaultthe Moon Shadow. Morphing Jar is back, making my deck flow faster. So far it's all I need to know is what to expect at a tournament. Is it like a bracket tournament, or duel random people and loser is out? Adamtheamazing64 02:23, June 14, 2010 (UTC)

Many blackwing decks summon as quickly as possible to synchro into Armed Wing and Armor Master. Some also in corporate Dark Armed Dragon which if used correctly can be devastating. Don't be surprised if you see The Dark Creator also used. Some blackwing decks, not common though incorporate infernity cards since blackwing's give you almost no hand control. The problem i see is that if you go up against another blackwing is gonna be who can get the advantage first. Just be wary of Dark Armed and The Dark Creator. Automation44 09:18, June 15, 2010 (UTC)automation44