Forum:Call. v. Goyo guardian

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My friend and I had this question earlier because we hit this stalemate and argued over it. Player A has a facedown Call of the haunted. A goyo guardian and thought ruler archfiend.

Player B has a Gorz Token (2700 attack) and a Gorz Emissary of Darkness.

Player B activates Brain control to take Goyo guardian. Then declares the attack and destroys Thoughtruler Archfiend by battle. He activates Goyo guardian's effect to take control of thought ruler archfiend.

Player A activates his facedown call of the haunted and selects his thought ruler Archfiend.

Player B argues that he cant activate call of the haunted because it is still during damage calculation.

Player A argues that a judge told him it was perfectly legal.

Who is right?

Shikaru777 23:37, May 22, 2010 (UTC)

The correct one is:
Goyo Guardian activates in the Damage Step, and Call of the Haunted cannot be activated during the Damage Step. Falzar FZ 23:43, May 22, 2010 (UTC)