Forum:Character cards

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when I was a kid I had this 'joey wheeler' spell card and a few of my friends had other 'character' spells. recently ive seen some stuff on the net that suggests that quite a few other people had the same ones. I know theyre fake but I was wondering if anybody else has had any experience with these cards or knows any thing about them. I remember that they were some of the more convincing fakes. Mr flobble (talkcontribs) 12:06, January 28, 2013 (UTC)

Do you mean like Yusei Fudo card? Then yes, they are fake. At first I thought you were referring to Yu-Jo Friendship, Unity, and Judgment of the Pharaoh - as they are official cards in the game. --iFredCat 12:17, January 28, 2013 (UTC)

I don't mean yusie. this was long before 5d. I know there fake I was just wondering if anyone else had the same fakes as they are rather unusual. Mr flobble (talkcontribs) 21:41, January 28, 2013 (UTC)

Red-Eyes Fake Dragon

Years and years ago, someone gave me a present: a Starter Deck named "Legend of the Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon" or somesuch. (I'm not sure about the name, but I know it had Joey on the cover.) This puzzled me, because I'd never heard of such a Starter Deck on the market.

Sure enough, they were fakes. The cards had some weird rainbow-colored lamination, the wrong font, over-bright colors, no kanji for the Attributes, and some truly pitiful text. You'd get a card like "Firewing Pegasus: This horse of giant sky burning all ground with burn hot fire." I think they called "Zera the Mant" a Devil-type, which suggested that these were just some awful translations. The other highly-suspicious thing was that it had dozens of high-level monsters like "Magician of Black Chaos," "Thousand Dragon," "Toon Dark Magician Girl," and "Jinzo," but I could count all the low-level monsters, spells (no Ritual Spells, "Toon World", or "Polymerization"), and traps combined on my fingers.

Anyway, there was a spell card called Peacock Dance with Mai's picture on it, and there was a trap called Bekas with Pegasus' picture on it. (Seeing as Japanese Mai's last name means "peacock," that's actually kind of funny.) I don't remember what the cards did. I do remember thinking something along the lines of, "Are these fakers even trying?"

I'm pretty sure I gave that whole deck away to someone who didn't play the game but liked to collect cool-looking cards. Given the content, I'd say that was the one true calling for this deck.

--Okamoto Takeo (talkcontribs) 20:57, February 3, 2013 (UTC)