Forum:Cyberdark deck dying, can it still be saved?

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Basically this is my cyberdark deck:

Cyberdark Deck

Basically this deck aims in throwing Hunter Dragon into the graveyard using Armageddon Knight, allowing me to summon 2500 cyberdarks to inflict high damage to my opponent. And putting Dark Armed Dragon is good as i can easily manipulate my graveyard under certain conditions.

Thats about all the good news. The new Structure Deck: The Dark Emperor which focuses on RFG, and the upcoming Structure Deck 15: Undead World which contains the devastating Zombie World, both completely devastate my deck, as RFG and Zombie World disallowing me from equiping my Cyberdarks.

So, can my dying deck still be saved???

play future fusion for FGD and epidemic virus for anti S/T

K thx, but i'm not really hoping to build that type of deck, i tried it once and have since switched to this current version. -- Wertylegend 14:25, 26 May 2008 (UTC)