Forum:Different Sleeves in Tournament?

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I'm attending an (unofficial casual) tournament in a few weeks with some friends. Because they don't have many copies of one type of sleeve, they are using at least 2 differently coloured types of sleeves for the main deck. (Example, red and blue sleeves in the same main deck)

If this was an official tournament, what will happen, and if a penalty is issued, what type of penalty will be issued?

Furthermore, in an official tournament, is it okay to have your main deck and extra deck in different sleeves? --HybridDragoness 08:03, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

Having different sleeves is basically the same as 'Marking your cards'.
If you are caught marking your cards, you will be disqualified for cheating. (this may be different, depending on your judge at the place, so you should ask the judge there)
Overall, it's not a good idea to use different sleeves for your deck.
Having different sleeves for your Extra Deck may be acceptable (again, ask the judge there). I don't see any problems with that, except if the Sychroes were flipped face-down and a set card shuffling card was used or something. (In fact, I myself use different sleeves for my Extra Deck xD) Falzar FZ 09:36, June 18, 2010 (UTC)