Forum:E-bay shop

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How do you know if there is a fake card on e-bay?--Leonhartzz 03:36, June 25, 2010 (UTC)

You can't really check, unless you actually go and look at the card. It's probably best if you stick to buying only from the people with high ratings. Falzar FZ 05:30, June 25, 2010 (UTC)

falzar is right and a friend of mine bought a card on ebay and when he got it i think it was in japanese

  • E-bay can be an excellent source for acquiring cheap 100% authentic Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, but unfortunately this is where a lot of people get ripped off! Be especially cautious of items that look too good to be true, because most of the time it probably is.

Example: 100 lot of Yu-Gi-Oh! cards for sale (complete with all 5 pieces of "Exodia", all holos!) being sold for $50.00

My Analysis: With all due respect to this individual, either they are incredibly naive when it comes to pricing their 100% authentic cards or every piece of "Exodia" is counterfit! To make matters worse, some people only put like 25 100% authentic cards and the other 75 are all fake!

Reason: It is really, really, really, difficult to get all 5 100% authentic holos of "Exodia." The site that I frequent sells them for $120.00 and I can easily imagine them being sold on E-bay for $200.00 dude. As for the price of common cards, I would use a base price of $0.25 cents to make appropriating the values of card lots easier and to get a general ballpark of if they are trying to pull one over you or not. Your best bet is to purchase them from a trusted web site, but take heed from my experience, this can get expensive super fast!

My point simply is this, be extremely careful when buying "Yu-Gi-Oh!" cards on E-bay because if the price is too good to be true, it probably is dude. I hope this helped dude!  :D

Sincerely yours, Unregistered User (talk) 11:10, July 29, 2010 (UTC)