Forum:Firekings Question!!!!

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So on the Fire kings card effects (all of them except for Garunix) their effect says

"If a face-up "Fire King" monster you control is destroyed by a card effect (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card from your hand." ~

Alright I got that part. What I dont get is when I play on YGOPRO and one of my fire king cards are destroyed, the game just gives me the option to chain special summon one of my fire king monsters from my hand.

Lets suppose I have 2 Fire king avatar Barong 's in my hand. I have a Fire king avatar Kirin who gets destroyed by card effect. Shouldnt I be able to special summon BOTH of the Barongs from my hand??? The YGOPRO doenst let me. It just asks me if I want to chain that cards affect to the destruction and then doesnt ask me if I wanna chain again.

If someone could lmk if its a problem with the computer game or if I just am not understanding something.

THanks!!! Akaopua (talkcontribs) 00:47, August 8, 2014 (UTC)

It's a card ruling. Konami both in the TCG and OCG has clarified that if you have 2 Fire Kings in your hand, you can only use the effect of one Fire King. --Dark Ace SP (TalkPage) 02:04, August 8, 2014 (UTC)
Should say that for the TCG, they haven't mentioned this exactly, but they have mentioned it with T.G. Warwolf. --Dark Ace SP (TalkPage) 03:06, August 9, 2014 (UTC)