Forum:Hopeless Dragons

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I stopped playing for a while but now I'm getting back to the game. Unfortunately, my favourite card, Dark Magician of Chaos, is banned so I decided to search around until I found my new favourite card, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon.

Try side decking or maybe main deck Koa'Ki Meiru Drago.--Airbellum 07:25, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

by the way Solemn Judgment is limited(in advanced format), you'll need to take 2 out and replace them with something else - i recommend another Dark Bribe or 2 and/or a couple of Bottomless Trap Hole --Littledj25 08:58, March 6, 2010 (UTC)

also Allure of Darkness is also at 1, maybe Veil of Darkness could be a good replacement for this deck --Littledj25 09:00, March 6, 2010 (UTC)

Dark Illusion may be good with so many dark monsters and Van'Dalgyon. Also, Monster Reborn is banned in advanced format, replace it with Call of the Haunted or something else to your liking. Scipik 19:07, March 6, 2010 (UTC)