Forum:Ice Spellcaster Archtype?

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NOT Ice Barrier!

Does anyone know all the current cards related to Ice Master Cold Enchanter and Ice Queen? I saw another one recently that was similar Blizzard Princess but it is currently a OCG only. I ask because I want to build a deck around them, but can't find a list anywhere about their related cards, so I'm stuck with the 4 I already know, and I don't want to use many Ice Barrier if I can help it. If you know of any other related cards, OCG, or TCG, I'd appreciate it if you could link them here. Thanks. Thorn of RosenYubel 19:28, May 3, 2010 (UTC)

Edit: I've found 3 others that might be related: Reese the Ice Mistress, Blizzard Dragon, and Blizzard Warrior, possibly also Blizzard Lizard, however these aren't spellcasters. Anyone know any others? Thanks Thorn of RosenYubel 19:35, May 3, 2010 (UTC)

The good news is that there are more of them, the bad news they are all manga only. The Ice spellcaster archtype is used by Alexis Rhodes in the GX manga. It takes more time for a manga card to make its transition into real life than an anime one. So, in the mean while you can use this opportunity to exercise your patience????--Hide Head Turtle 08:00, May 4, 2010 (UTC)

Yes I uncovered some manga cards while I was searching for similar names, so I figured they came from the manga. I was just hoping I might have missed some either coming out or already out that I could use. I'm perfectly fine with waiting if there are no others at this moment. Thorn of RosenYubel 11:49, May 4, 2010 (UTC)