Forum:Infernity Deck Help

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Infernity Deck Help

I've had this deck for a year now and i was wondering how i could improve this. It has done very well against scraps and blackwings. Mind to all who helps, i have a limited stash of cards (most of my new cards came from Storm of Ragnarok). Any and all help is most appreciated.

--Lordofsand (talkcontribs) 02:42, March 6, 2011 (UTC)

i don t know how u can play without "the tricky"

well on its own, it works very good without the tricky--Lordofsand (talkcontribs) 13:19, March 6, 2011 (UTC)

In my opinion, you should add a few more monsters and take out a few of the traps.

You need 3x Infernity Barrier, that card is broken with the search Infernities provide, replace the Illusions with these. I recommend at least 2x of Infernity Mirage to make the deck faster.
Stygian Street Patrol is really an important card for Infernities since we lost 2 of our Launchers, so run 2 to compensate.
Guardian is absolutely unneeded since you want to be on the offensive always when playing this deck.
Force is nice, but it is not really needed since the core of the Infernity deck is to spam synchros, thus the Infernity monsters themselves are not that important, in my opinion, take them out.
Looking at the Infernity Beetle engine, the more frequent synchro monsters synched out are level 5 (beetle + nercomancer), level 6 (beetle + archfiend) and level 9 (beetle + archfiend + necromancer) -- with that, i suggust running Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier as well with your current synchro monsters.
-- NightxRise (talkcontribs) 13:53, March 14, 2011 (UTC)

The above person is correct, In addition, you might want to remove cards such as Dark Illusion to give space such as for Solemn Judgment or Solemn Warning, as Infernity is now a control archtype, with a 1-shot syncro spam to aid in winning, Also, you might want an additional Infernity Doom Dragon in your extra deck, as it has the name to allow Infernity Barrier to still be used with it-Resk (Talk) 16:14, March 14, 2011 (UTC)

You might also want to add 3 Void Ogre Dragon's considering their effect to negate a spell or trap can only be used handless (which you will be for a majority of the match) and can be used during either players turn. My void Ogre's saved a game for me once.