Forum:Interesting deck concept

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I just had a brain storm whilst looking at some of my cards. What if I could combine the Heart of the Underdog/Exodia loop with Solemn Wishes to max out my life points whilst pulling The Sanctuary in the Sky and Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen then summon Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin for a devastating attack? The hard part is getting the Heart of the Underdog and Solemn Wishes ASAP. Anyone got any hint’s, tip’s or advice?

User:Taylor ace

This would be easier to make up the spaces. --FredCat 18:02, June 10, 2011 (UTC)

Those cards would make it harder to set up the loop. I was thinking more like quick plays spell cards like Hand Destruction and Reload maybe even Magical Mallet and a load of level 1-4 normal high defence monsters.

User:Taylor ace

That's good choice, but I just offering the list that would prevent yourself from being "injury" in the game. I used those cards in "Final Countdown" Deck, which complete blocking my opponent from ever damaging me when I was counting down the turns. --FredCat 18:26, June 10, 2011 (UTC)