Forum:Konami wins?

From Yugipedia
Jump to: navigation, search At this link i found konami claiming they won the court case. Does this mean op will resume or what will happen now?

Old News

yeah just read up. Its good news for all of us, the duelist TheDivineDuelist 03:39, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

  • Old news yes but I find it kinda iffy...I dunno if Konami will do as good a job of regulating the game as Upper deck..I loved the rarity system with the good cards harder to get so you do not have people running around with three solemns and bribes everywhere. And common crush card. I hope they keep things the same, I liked the way Upper deck ran the game. And in my opinion cards such as solemn judgment and Crush card should be kept as hard to get cards. Everybody running around with solemns ready for a solemn fight rather than a duel isn't fun.--Takuma. 04:00, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

Well at this point i'm just hoping op comes back up and what not. I was going to go to op for the first time this year and i perfected my deck and everything. So I just hope they get that back up. I'm pretty happy about this though. -T-Bear