Forum:Letter to Kazuki Takahashi

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This is a Letter to the game creator, hear this:

Dear Kazuki Takahashi,

I been making decision switch for my own deck, the problem is, I can't decide. Can you make a Special YGO Manga with the appearance of a new archetype resembles that of the Nobodies from Kingdom Hearts II. I think the effects should be based on Swarm and Synchro Summoning the Twilight Thorn look-alike.

From Andrew Stewart. (AKA — This unsigned comment was made by (talkcontribs) )

P.S. Please help me with the decision problem, thank you.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but 1.) He will not see this, 2.) he has little say in the effects in the real game, 3.) he is very busy, when and when not working he plays board games/reads manga, so the chance that even had time to play KH/read this is slim, 4.) The only person to have a custom card/set made had embryonic sarcoma, so... good luck...--Helix-king 13:38, May 8, 2010 (UTC)

KH would be pretty rare to see in this game since its a Disney/Squenix IP. Now other Konami games you may see more but thats probally it. Steelfallenangel 15:03, May 8, 2010 (UTC)

Wow....faaaaaaiiil. ElectroBlade 19:02, May 8, 2010 (UTC)

  • Try jumping in front of a car and then contact the Make A Wish Foundation. If a Saiyan-Ninja can become a card, anything can.--YamiWheeler 19:06, May 8, 2010 (UTC)

I could have a field day with this, but it seems that others beat me to it. Oh well. --Gadjiltron 01:09, May 9, 2010 (UTC)

It's ok, next time. d ^.^ b --Helix-king 02:08, May 9, 2010 (UTC)