Forum:Lightsworn ban of march

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i want to see any one that has a lightsworn deck that is thinking about the ban list what will they change since the lumina's ban what to replace.

any deck ideas ill post mine but i would enjoy comments regarding this.

instead of having 3 luminas, you could add a shire or add something which would send your cards to the grave like card trooper/blocker just a suggestion Sonic0chick0ames 09:31, February 22, 2010 (UTC)

My cousin has a Lightsworn deck. He really doesn't mind if Lumina is limited but he just fears that "Judgment Dragon" will be limited! Although this deck has taken some blows here and there ("Burial from a Different Dimension", "Necro Gardna, "Foolish Burial") it still worth dropping 2 "Judgment Dragon" in your opponent! Lightsworns is a really fast deck. Limiting Lumina just hinders its swarm capability. KONAMI must have weighted it very well. A Nuker and Swarm all in a explosive deck is just nuts. --SilentHero26 10:16, February 22, 2010 (UTC)

jd at 2 doesnt matter if lightsworns cant get off mills and survive the first turn. limiting lumina and charge really weakens the opening move. Also limiting of necro and honest cuts down the only defense LS's had in half. Also limiting lumina means all of those dead-draws will stay in the hand.

that may be true guy above me but well i have a deck with lightsworns and its fused with chaos sorcerer up to the ban list of march and it may lack some umph but its still prety quick. just about with the lumina at 3 Har-Magedon 16:39, February 24, 2010 (UTC) -->

Solar Recharge at 3 is still a large problem, especially with 2 Judgment Dragons. I don't know why Konami hit most of the draw cards except for the most powerful one. IMO that was really dumb. Animedude3000 17:57, February 24, 2010 (UTC)