Forum:Mist Valley Shenanigans

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After reading Chris Lockwood's Round 1 Feature Match at YCS Providence, I was inspired to build a Mist Valley deck of my own. So I did.

My testing with this deck has been brief, but so far I am pleased with the results. Falcon combos well with a number of cards in the Deck, including Reborn Tengu, Divine Wind, Swords of Revealing Light, and Call of the Haunted, giving plusses off of all of them. Tengu gives free monsters galore, especially with Divine Wind. Soldier is a Level 4 Tuner searchable by Divine Wind. Blastfan searches out Birdman when searched by Dvine Wind, but misses the timing if used with Tengu. It also gets a search when I use it with Call, Reborn, etc. Zephyrus sits in the Grave and lets me bounce when I need to, allowing me to go off. Birdman is the main trigger of the deck, setting off Tengu and Divine Wind, summoning itself in the process. From there I can go into Ancient Fairy Dragon and summon even more, replacing my Field Spell to reuse and swarming the Field. And Effect Veiler... is Effect Veiler.

Book, Dark Hole, Trunade, Reborn, and Typhoon are Staples. Divine Wind is the heart of the deck, giving me a free plus every time it goes off, and a second plus if I search Blastfan. To get it to my hand, I have triple Terraforming, but I'm considering going to 2. Swords combos well with Falcon, as does Call, which also works with Blastfan. Compulsory lets me set myself off if need be, and is a good card these days. Everything else is Staples. Thoughts? Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 02:24, July 9, 2011 (UTC)

Update: Dropped a Blastfan and Veiler for 2 Mist Condors, since I needed more ways to set off Divine Wind. I've gone down to 2 Terraforming, and added 2 DImensional Prison. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 14:42, July 9, 2011 (UTC)