Forum:My Skill Drain Deck

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I need some suggestion for this deck. I use advance format banlist.--Leonhartzz 03:53, January 2, 2010 (UTC)

With monsters, I think you did a great job. Except, I would change Big Shield Gardna for another A Cat of Ill Omen. Why have a big defense that will move if you don't have Skill Drain? And the Cat will let you get the Skill Drain. Also, and this is just a suggestion, I'd change Goblin Elite for Goblin Attack, because of the slight power difference. Even if Elite falls into defense, it's not hard to go over the 1500 mark, so he'd be as good as dead, just like Goblin Attack, except Goblin Attack can do more damage, especially of Skill Drain is out. But that's just me.

As for magics, I'd stick to staples like Heavy Storm, Mystical Space Typhoon, and Lightning Vortex, plus adding 3 Forbidden Chalice cards. I might also keep the Swords of Revealing Light for defense while you don't have Skill Drain.

As for your traps, I think Magic Jammer is just too much seeing as you have Dark Bribes. In fact, for me, instead of Magic Jammer, Magic Cylinder, and Dust Tornado, I'd just add 3 Sakuretsu Armor cards, or Dimensional Prison cards if you want to be really annoying.