Forum:Negative Level Monsters

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If Monsters with Negative Level become real cards there will be a lot of questions about then, and I have some:

Note: I'll use "Jet-Black Zumwald" as a example on the questions, it's Level is -4 and it's attack is 2000.

1- If I have a "Burden of the Mighty" on my side of the Field and my opponent have a "Jet-Black Zumwald" on his/her side, the attack of that Monster will become:

a) 2000 ATK

b) 1600 ATK, because: 2000 - (4 * 100) → 2000 - 400 = 1600

c) 2400 ATK, because: 2000 - (-4 * 100) → 2000 + 400 = 2400

d) Other?

2- I don't remember if theres a card that makes me gain Life Points based on a Monster's Level, but if this happen, then:

a) Recover 0 Life Points

b) Recover as normal

c) Lose Life Points

d) Other?

3- Similar to the above question, but with Effect Damage:

a) 0 Damage

b) Normal Damage

c) Recover Life Points

d) Other?

Missign0 05:00, 25 October 2008 (UTC)

To add on to this, suppose a Chain Snake is attached to this card, and it's destroyed by battle. What happens next?

a) No mill

b) Mill as normal

c) Cards go from Graveyard to top of Deck

d) Other

--Gadjiltron 07:21, 25 October 2008 (UTC)

  • Keep in mind that Konami probably has o intention of releasing these monsters any time soon. When/if they do, I'm sure they will include a rule on the subject, e.g. "The negative level only applies to Dark Synchro Summons. In other cases treat this card as a level X monster"
  • Also, since Jet-Black Zumwald can't be destroyed in battle it would be hard for the last scenario to be fullfilled. Just saying.

KazilDarkeye 17:41, 25 October 2008 (UTC)

That's true. I hope Konami think twice before making these cards real.

And just for fun, more things to think about:

Missign0 03:00, 27 October 2008 (UTC)

  • Well, Junk Warrior's effect states "Level 2 or lower", and since -4 is less than 2, Junk Warrior would get one heck of a boost.
  • Also a point: What happens if you use a Dark Synchro monster to Synchro Summon/Dark Synchro Summon|Ritual Summon a second monster? KazilDarkeye 16:19, 27 October 2008 (UTC)

Would Sinister Sprocket's effect activate for both Dark Synchros and for Synchro's of the DARK Attribute? So confusing... >_> Teddy 17:03, 27 October 2008 (UTC)

  • Actually Sinister Sprocket only works when Synchro Summoning DARK monsters, so it wouldn't work for a Dark Synchro Summon regardless of the monster's Attribute.
  • Here's another point: Can Tuner monsters be used as "other monsters" for a Dark Sunchro Summon, and can Dark Tuners be used as "Other Monsters" for a Synchro Summon? KazilDarkeye 17:36, 27 October 2008 (UTC)

Tuner and Dark Tuner aren't the same thing, so... Maybe it's possible. Or not. Missign0 02:38, 28 October 2008 (UTC)