Forum:Numinous healer

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This card says that I would gain 500 life point for each numinous healer in the graveyard. Does this card check the other numinous healer in the graveyard at resolution? this is a example: I activated tremandes fire my opponent takes 1000 points of damage and I take 500 point of damage, the I activated numinous healer, then I chain mystical space typhon and target the face-up numinous healer, mystical space typhon resolve first and destroy the face-up numinous healer so now I have one numinous healer in the graveyard, then when numinous healer resolve I receive 1500 life points. Is this correct? (talk) 01:16, April 15, 2011 (UTC)

Yes, it checks on resolution, so you gain 1000LPs, then you gain an extra 500LPs. -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 02:06, April 15, 2011 (UTC)