Forum:Our of curiosity, how do tournaments work?

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So I've never been to a tournament, how do they work? Like, do they record what your deck , side, and extra decks are and you have to stick with those exact cards the entire time? Can you switch out cards between games (not rounds)? Do you know what your opponent is playing before you duel them? Do games have time limits?

Also, I've seen some people say something like, "This card I will put in my deck from my side if I am going first." How can you do that? Do you not have to switch out your cards inbetween rounds?

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 06:30, April 10, 2012 (UTC)

Local Tournament; Flexible Version - you play with any kind of decks, ever illegal version. Only as long as the opponent approve of what you picking on the lores.
National Tournament; Strict Version - Of course, they do record your behavior and deck recipe to be make sure you don't "cheating" your way out. You get part of the ladder or general way of the duels.
Regional Tournament; Strict Version - Of course, they do record your behavior and deck recipe the same way. In some of those tournament (Pack released - Sneak Peek, you know), they give you 5 packs and you created 20 cards Deck from that then play against other player just with that deck. If you win enough, you get sixth pack of that said one. --FredCat 10:41, April 10, 2012 (UTC)

So the winner of the sneak peak ones get a pack? What do winners of the regular non super ultra tournaments get?

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 15:18, April 10, 2012 (UTC)

Last time I recalled - Extra packs per rank; first place get 4 extra pack, second get 3, third get 2, etc. but 5th and lower don't get any. And the last legal Tournament I attended (Local) give out a special cards, like Necrovalley and old stuffs back then that don't do much stuffs - only 2 cards each time you cleared the recipe of requirement wins. --FredCat 15:35, April 10, 2012 (UTC)