Forum:PETITION to Konami

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Hello everybody. I started a petition to Konami in order to ask to change 2 aspect:

-BANLIST has unknown release date;

-too many differences between TCG and OCG.

You can find the details in the page liked below; what I ask is simply to spend a couple of seconds to sign if and spread the news. Thanks! :)

Kingworld (talkcontribs) 01:02, October 10, 2015 (UTC)

HAHAHAHHA......wait you serious?
"-BANLIST has unknown release date;"
This is intentional, They announced and explained that a while ago and it is actually a good idea. Now they can start and end formats around product releases.
Remember Dark Matter Dragon? Ruined literally hours after it was released in the TCG. this change avoids this.
"-too many differences between TCG and OCG."
Please tell me you are not serious....Konami LITERALLY cannot do anything about that.
The OCG is different from the TCG. They have different card pools, different product releases, Different Demographics and not to mention those magazines they have in Japan they can release promos with that don't exist here. Most importantly of all, Ruling differences. TCG and OCG are essentially different games and there is nothing they or anyone can do to change that....
Removing the differences between regions will never happen, and never should. Even if they could it would be wildly impractical for them.
Dread (talkcontribs) 02:18, October 10, 2015 (UTC)
I dunno if you have read the reasons written in the petition. I briefly recall them:
"Banned list": it is simply stressful to NOT KNOW when it will come out: I cannot tranquilly sell or buy or exchange a card, cannot decide how to build my deck and so on.

"We can make better banlist" is not a sufficient reason, and that's the opinion of the GREAT majority of players.

"TCG/OCG": I perfectly know that there are a lot of differences. And indeed, we ask to reduce them: why 4 month between OCG and TCG boosters? Why different ruling on the same card, even with PSCD? Why exclusive cards? These are very annoying details.
Kingworld (talkcontribs) 10:48, October 10, 2015 (UTC)
The TCG and OCG have different card pools because of forces outside of their control. There is literally nothing they can do about that. It's a different company releasing them entirely. You may as well ask Sony to fix that problem. PhotonLegion95 (talkcontribs) 10:57, October 10, 2015 (UTC)

Lovely, asking to change things when he doesn't even understand why they are like that. I'll give you a hint, they stopped fixed banlist releases because annoying people kept calling then and asking about it.
If you think they can just release some super pack with all the exclusives in it then make simultanious releases REALLY do not know how this shit works.
Konami just Manufactures and Distributes it. you are barking to the wrong company.
"Banned list": it is simply stressful to NOT KNOW when it will come out: I cannot tranquilly sell or buy or exchange a card, cannot decide how to build my deck and so on.
There are these things called "Patience and Research". I have no issues buying and selling cards just because I don't know when something is happening. and really? building decks? Just build them. if the banlist changes something, change the deck (or dismantle it) accordingly. you make it sound like its a serious time investment.
Dread (talkcontribs) 15:23, October 10, 2015 (UTC)
Have you tried not being so rude?
I really dunno who you heard complaining about knowing when the banlist had to be released, but I heard ONLY (literally) people complaining about the fact that we don't know even the month when it will come out.
Also the official reason was "to produce a better list". Maybe. If it was true, so simply tell has "first half of October", and add that you could modify it under important situation (yet happened, if I'm not wrong, a couple of time in past, like Cyberstein?).
And if Konami, whose name is everywhere on the cards and booster and sites etc etc etc, is not the company we should refer to, please tell me who I should ask to.
I sincerely do not know.
"Konami" logo is everywhere, so is legit to assume it is the one responsible, or at least it has "the power" to make things change or to talk to the ones who can.
Kingworld (talkcontribs) 18:50, October 11, 2015 (UTC)
Besides, petitions don't work. Big companies will do what they do without caring what the response is from consumers. --MasterMarik (talkcontribs) 19:28, October 11, 2015 (UTC)
You're looking for Shueisha, the people who own the game. The ones who license it to Konami. The ones who commission cards to be produced for them to use in both the the OCG (V Jump, W Jump, Sakiyo Jump, V Jump Edition etc.) and the TCG (JUMP Promos). Not only do they commission them, but they retain the rights to them for a minimum term of 6 month (from OCG -> TCG), meaning that Konami can't touch them until they get a go ahead, or Shueisha say "print this for us".
Also like how you're complaining about differences in the OCG v. TCG, yet ignore the fact that the TCG doesn't even have a unified card pool...PhotonLegion95 (talkcontribs) 19:57, October 11, 2015 (UTC)
And Photon beat me to it, what he said.
Do your damn research. as I said, Konami only Manufactures and Distributes the cards and related products. thats why their logo is on it. Complaining to them literally does nothing but waste peoples time.
For the banlist, no I have heard little complaints (I can't say no complaints anymore thanks to this) because the people I usually associate with understand why the change is a good idea, even if a bit inconvienent.
And no, especially to people that say things without understanding the subject, especially on a topic I and many others have had to correct people on countless times on many forums, does not warrant a polite response from me, especially after the first response.
Dread (talkcontribs) 20:08, October 11, 2015 (UTC)

If you think that, Dread, so thanks for your opinion but I'm not interested in discussing with you. I have no fault if you have talked about this argument too many times: it's the first time YOU AND ME discuss about. Don't blame me for your past. Also, you are the first one at all (with your friends, it seems) that is not only not-against the unknown-release-dates, but also likes it.

PhotonLegion95, sincere thanks for your info! :) I honestly never heard about that company, I'll do some research and, in case, will change the addressee of the petition. Beside that... I perfectly know that there are differences also INSIDE TCG xD I mentioned it little or nothing simply because these differences are about 30 cards and a couple of minor ruling, negligible in comparison with 4-months delay and so many other exclusives OCG has and TCG not (and minor viceversa). Kingworld (talkcontribs) 21:01, October 11, 2015 (UTC)