Forum:Parents of kids playing :-)

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This may be a strange forum editing interface... Anyway, let me try: as the topic says I'm not a (huge) player myself, my daughters (13 and 9y.o.) play the game on their DS's, they also collected two decks, we're currently building up a third one with my help on form of holiday presents :-) And yes, they showed me the game some time ago, we tried playing together, since then we do play almost weekly, I kinda like it too, it does seem to be richer in possibilities than most other card / board games, makes fun too :) But I don't think I'll become seriously involved in the game myself - a bit too old and busy ;-) So, this thread is just a call to parents in a situation similar to mine to maybe discuss their attitude to the game, participation, hints how to make it even more fun or maybe even useful for the kids and ourselves, any experience sharing etc. But maybe I'm the only one, others are kids themselves;-) Anyway, happy coming 2013 to all:) Pengon (talkcontribs) 10:23, December 30, 2012 (UTC)

This probably isn't my place to say anything, as I'm not a parent, but a player. However, Konami posted an article up on something related to this a while back. Click here to read the article by Konami. I don't think it might really help, but I also don't think that reading the article can hurt. ----Dark Ace SP (Talk) 15:21, December 31, 2012 (UTC)