Forum:Pharaonic Synchro Deck

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Hello, everyone, it's R5h. It's been a while since I released a deck, so here's something I built. Based around proving that things that can be undead, cute, and deadly at the same time.

The point here is Beast of the Pharaoh's effect. When it is used as synchro fodder, I can special summon any level 4 or lower Zombie from the graveyard. Even itself. I don't know what that sounds like to you - to me it sounds a whole lot like synchro swarm!

Beast of the Pharaoh is the first monster I run, and I use two - thus I can get one into the grave with relative ease while avoiding big dead draws. Plaguespreader Zombie is a staple of Zombie decks. Deep Sea Diva is also run in many Zombie decks - it means two tuners instantly, after all. Mezuki is another Zombie essential. Zombie Master gives me a beatstick that also revives monsters. Goblin Zombie is one of the game's best searchers. Shutendoji can mean some extra draw power. Armageddon Knight pitches useful Zombies to the graveyard with great speed, like Plaguespreader. Caius is used in a lot of Zombie builds - they can generate tribute fodder like crazy. Meanwhile, Pyramid Turtle and Mystic Tomato give me defensive power while searching out necessary monsters. Krebons is a good defensive card that can also be used offensively - IE, when I'm trying to synchro summon.

The spell department is pretty standard. 2 Foolish Burial to mill necessary cards, 1 Heavy Storm as basic removal. 3 Burial from a Different Dimension is in to reuse Mezuki and Plaguespreader. Allure of Darkness is good drawpower, and the removed monster can be returned with Burial. Enemy Controller comes in because I can block attacks with it, or tribute a monster I just summoned with Diva, Beast, Zombie Master, Mezuki, Plaguespreader, Mystic Tomato, Pyramid Turtle... this card can be very useful. Finally, Emergency Teleport searches out my Krebons easily.

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast discards Zombies to where they are most useful - the graveyard. Torrential is field wiping power, and Reckless Greed allows me to get cards very quickly. The extra deck is pretty self-explanatory.

Tell me what you think of this concept deck. Runer5h 22:10, January 25, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h

I think you could drop Caius, and maybe add in a couple Zombie World. It would lock down opposing Monarchs and other decktypes, while making Diva targetable by Beast of the Pharaoh.--Akiza Izayoi 23:31, January 25, 2010 (UTC)

I toyed with Zombie World for a while, but decided that it wasn't really necessary. I can revive level 2 tuners like crazy anyways. Runer5h 01:27, January 26, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h

Maybe drop Mystic Tomato, for Psychic Commander? He would give you more options when using E-Tele.--Akiza Izayoi 02:05, January 26, 2010 (UTC)

Hmm... I'll consider it. Runer5h 23:22, January 28, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h