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hey this is my brand new plant deck. please let me know what you guys think. any help would be greatly appreciated.

45 Cards

Monsters -22

Tytannial Princess of Camellias x2
Lonefire Blossom x3
Botanical Lion x3
Dark Verger x1
Botanical Lady x2
Nettles x2
Gigaplant x2
Lord Poison x2
Dandylion x1
Mystic Tomato x3
Copy Plant x1

Spells -14

Black Garden x2
Mark of the Rose x2
Gold Sarcophagus x2
Miracle Fertilizer x2
Fragrance Storm x2
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Lightning Vortex x1
Card of Safe Return x1

Traps -9

Pollinosis x3
Wall of Thorns x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Karma Cut x2

Extra Deck -14

Stardust Dragon x3
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
Black Rose Dragon x3
Psychic Lifetrancer x1
Queen of Thorns x3
Goyo Guardian x1
Magical Android x1
Side Deck -15
Prohibition x3
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Karma Cut x1
Light Imprisioning Mirror x2
Inferno Reckless Summon x2
Book of Moon x2
Copy Plant x1
Fragrance Storm x1
Heavy Storm x1
Kuraz the Light Monarch x1

-2 sarc -2 lady --Airbellum 03:08, 29 July 2009 (UTC)

i took out 2 botanical lady added a violet witch and twilight rose knight sided kuraz, dropped a tomato for a sangan

well i run plants as well man and first of alli would takeout drak vergeri mean yea u get two plants for the price of one tuner but with his points bein so low its not worth it and the princess of camimels(didnt spell it right)is great but u dont really need two of them and as for ur extra deck black rose dragon is limited meaning u can have only one in there so the rules say u gotta take two of them out sorry man

Do you play by advanced format or Traditional

If you play by advance format, you would have to remove a Lonefire Blossom and a few more of the cards you have, I haven't upgraded my decklists as of yet to match the new Ban and Restricted lists, but I know that Lonefire is semi-limited, as well as a few of your other cards.

Card of Safe Return, Monster Reborn, and others, check out the new List effective today September 1st you can find it at the bottom of this home page.

Duelist33(My Talk) 17:02, September 1, 2009 (UTC)

Duelist33(My Talk) 17:13, September 1, 2009 (UTC)

Black rose dragon

Ah i have a plant deck too, though im missing tytannial and lonefire blossom, also looking for queen of thorns. I have black rose dragon ghost nad normal but your only allowed to have one as it is limited


Obviously if you play advanced format 2 Black Rose Dragons, 1 Lonefire Blossom and the Card of Safe Return will have to come out. I play a plant deck which revolves around Gigaplant/ Lonefire Blossom rapidly summoning more plants, but you can play a deck which revolves around tokens also. (Playing them together may frustrate you as well as your opponent.)So be sure which type you want to play. If its the Gigaplant, I suggest adding another Gigaplant, and taking out the black gardens and most deck searching cards such as Lord Poison and Mystic Tomato - although Botanical Girl can come in handy. As you have a lot of Synchro support, I would recommend Twilight Rose Knight and perhaps another Copy Plant. If you want to play the token deck, I would try Rose Tentacles and Ivy Shackles which work great together- although I'm not sure what to take out as I haven't tried it before!

Hope This Helps.