Forum:Rulings on Wattlemur

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Are there yet any rulings for Wattlemur? When yes, could anyone please add it too it's Rulingspage.

When no, then I have three questions according to it's effect:

Situation: I have two Wattlemur, he has Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak and destoys both Wattlemur by battle.

1. Question: Does these effects stack on each other, so that two Battle Phases were skipped?

2. Question: What is if my opponent forgets to enter the Battle Phase and just ends his turn, without even recommending Wattlemurs effect?

3. Question: What is if my opponent doesn't enter his Battle Phase for about three turns, because he hasn't got a monster left on his field?

MasterSephiroth 13:53, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

1) Only your opponent's next turn's Battle Phase will be skipped.

2&3) You don't have to enter the Battle Phase if you don't want to. Wattlemur just makes it so that your opponent can't perform their Battle Phase during the next turn after this card has been destroyed by battle.-- HHTurtle  (Talk) 14:08, June 21, 2010 (UTC)