Forum:Six samurai!

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Any advice? I know the monster section is thick but there's this urge to have at least 1 copy of every decent one for toolbox><. 1 irou for pesky facedowns, 1 zanji for beatstick/destruction, 1 yaichi for sniping s/t and yoriko is sort of like six samurai's honest. Currently it's all on paper so can't actually do testing to see what to take out =\. But i'm thinking if shinai should be ran in 2s.

Six samurai for the win (:Renz0kuken (talkcontribs) 03:23, November 17, 2010 (UTC)

remove all yoriko and the birdman and Three Step..Add 3x book of moon The others seem okayDaredevil^^ (talkcontribs) 11:18, November 17, 2010 (UTC)

Mind explaining why though? Haven't played yet, but 3 step seems alright, or is it difficult to get the 3 monsters?

Anyway I have the birdman there as a free tuner. 1 six sam, summon grandmaster/kizan, return it and special summon birdman, summon grandmaster/kizan again. With 1 gateway that's 6 counters ready and a potential lvl6/7/8 synchro possible.

As for yoriko, figured he's an "honest" or provides another tuner for shien. -1 yoriko?Renz0kuken (talkcontribs) 14:16, November 17, 2010 (UTC)

>If you already test the will realize u dont need other synchro except the Shien Synchro..You will only use the other synchro 1 in 10 duels. >You don't need many tuners, if you use 3 kagemusha n 3 kageki, it's remove the enishi and yaichi to max both of kageki and kagemusha >N then about 3 step, it's good..but many cards are better than this card..And this card can be a dead draw.So I dont want to use >N remove the magatama.add staple like solemn, n prison. this deck will run very niceDaredevil^^ (talkcontribs) 15:19, November 17, 2010 (UTC)

Played with the deck a little already. Don't seem to get the chance to synchro much though, but yea mostly go for shien or castator for lvl5. Made some changes as you suggested and its quite alright, except for when i don't get any gateway or united then becomes difficult to do much. Thinking of book of moon or reckless greed. Any comments? Renz0kuken (talkcontribs) 15:20, November 24, 2010 (UTC)

do not focus on tuning alone. it seems like you want to tune all the time. just put 1 or 2 tuner in your deck. then minimize the number of monster it might gave you a high risk in duel. you can put at least 16 and a max of 19 you will see what a swarming deck you have... remove the solemn judgement and changr it with six samurai united. then minimiza spell and add traps for protection...