Forum:So how risky are you?

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How risky are you?

Do you activate allure of darkness when you have no dark monsters in your hand knowing that if you don't draw 1 you have to discard the entire hand?

Both players are at 100 life points and you have a monster that can finish it but they have 3 traps and this is your only monster on the field, do you attack?

Tell how risky/not so risky you are and when you have regreted it or been gratefull on your decision?

  • For me, it really depends which deck Im playing. If Im playing my BW deck, Im usually not that risky. However, when I play my Dark Gaia OTK deck, I risk everything.
  • For example, Ive got Dark Fusion in my hand + the materials, and card destruction. I usually would card destruct and ditch the hand in hope of drawing a dark calling and infernal gainer. Summon my Neo-Spacian Grand mole and use monster gate and tributing it... most of the time, it has paid off and I end up OTKing... but on bad days, it often costs me the duel. Akyrix 16:28, December 27, 2009 (UTC)
It depends which duel of the Match i'm currently in. If my opponent's deck is unknown to me, I don't take risks. I bait them out and see their strategy before they catch onto mine. During the second and third duels, my risk-taking level will change based on the cards I saw in the previous duel. For example, if I saw three Dimensional Prisons, I won't blindy attack with my Black Rose Dragon. However, if I saw little to no Trap cards, I'll generally overextend for the win.--Akiza Izayoi 17:12, December 27, 2009 (UTC)
  • I take a lot of risks for the sake of awesome, even if I lose the duel on the process. Once, while my opponent controled nothing but a Defense positión fish and a face down card, I had a face-up Tyrant Dragon, a face-up Ultimate offering and a hand with Magna Drago and two other monsters, so I swarmed the field, Synchro summoned Trident Dragion and destroyed the two monsters to have it attack thrice. However the face down card was Fish depthcharge, I lost Trident Dragion and eventually the duel, I could have won the duel had I just attacked with Tyrant Dragon (since it was inmune to Depthcharge), then with all of my monsters. HouseholdCatDeity 02:35, December 28, 2009 (UTC)

When I activate Allure with no dark monsters in hand, most of the time I actually want to dump my hand. I hate it when I want to dump my hand, but actually draw a dark monster... Falzar FZ 02:40, December 28, 2009 (UTC)