Forum:Stardust Accelerator Tournament LV 1

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Please Help Me!

I am playing WC09, and trying to unlock things. I want to unolock CSOC, and I know to do that involves tournaments. I already have enough players (15) for level 2, but I only have 13 for level 1. I try to duel people five times to unlock new characters, but after I do, they still dont unlock ANYTHING! Can you give me some tips?

Here are the level 1 opponents that ive already unlocked:

Vengeful Shinobi Don Zaloog Harpie Queen Toon Gemini Elf Worm Barses Ally of Justice- Garadholg Ojama Yellow Skull Servant Necroface Familliar-Possessed - Eria Montage Dragon Blackwing- Siroco the Dawn Guardian Sphinx Stone Statue of the Aztecs

Please! I NEED TIPS! (talk) 01:58, November 8, 2010 (UTC)

Okay now, to unlock CSOC, you have to do this. When you get on Duel CPU or something, there will be an option of a tournament in there, you have to win the level 2 tournament 5 times. Simply dueling CPU Opponents will not get you CSOC, for more tips on this kind of stuff, I suggest you go to GameFaqs (sorry for posting another website on here), that's where I got this answer from, I know unlocking packs is a pain...BassNettoHikari2...Chat Page... 05:15, November 8, 2010 (UTC)