Forum:Stardust dragon to be banned

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stardust dragons effect of negating the effect and destroying itslef and the card is a bit unfair to the other player because at his end phase he gets it back it way to hard to get rid of

Think of the ways you can possibly counter Stardust.

  • Stomp it with a bigger monster.
  • DD Crow Stardust when it goes into the Graveyard so your opponent doesn't get it back.
  • Remove Stardust and other things from play without destroying them.
  • Prevent its summoning altogether.
  • Use Counter Traps, which Stardust can't chain its effect to.
  • Bounce, Spin, take control of it, anything that doesn't "destroy".

And so on and so forth. --Gadjiltron 06:03, 8 December 2008 (UTC)

Banned huh?

Well to be honest, Stardust (even though Meta decks are using him as well) are very needed to beat most Meta decks. Stardust can take out a DaD from destroying things on the field. Though zombie decks dont destroy as much, zombies them selves are very weak and easily fall vict to Six Samri.Stardust has a whooping 2500 which is sad for a Lv 8 but making Sych 8's are easy and can be done which 3 or less cards. I run plants and they are good but if they dont destroy big monster and rid of the monster for good they cant stand to much of the power of Stardust either.

What we should really be worried about is Stardust/Buster but again with out it we as non-Meta users will get stomped. In my final word. I strongly feel that after Crimson Crisis we will see the fall of DaD and the rise of something new. Zombies maybe? or even Plants. One thing is for sure this game is getting to the point where you cant have just a bunch of well put together broken cards. Its going to come down to people who really can put a well thought of deck together and have the luck to draw what they need when they need it. That where I what to see the future of yugioh good. A time in which anyone can become a National/World duelist. It just takes expirance, luck, and Skill. Not just broken cards . . .

      TheDivineDuelist 22:20, 8 December 2008 (UTC)Divine

thanks for the idea is really should have thought of that

I agree. Having players using broken cards just demonstrate that they are rich enough to acquire the cards they have, not their skill. I even suggest that cards such as mirror force and torrential tribute be banned, so that we, as duelists, must use our skills to destroy monsters. Imagine a player that uses skill to gain an advantage, only to be wiped out using a T. Tribute? By having such cards, no real strategy can be initiated...

So why?

They dont need to ban Stardust or DaD. They need to start banning cards that make these cards so broken . . .

E-Tele Dark Grapheri Destiny Hero Milicious Any dark support cards that already exist in other cards.

Dark Graph = Armgen Knight. (Though Arm only sends one that far better than begin able to send 2 which is already 3/4 the dark monsters need for DaD, including darks that DaD use to destroy ANYTHING on the field)

Ok they don't need to ban or even limit Stardust Dragon. I'll admit that three of them can be agrivating and that he may need semi-limiting but think of all of the cards that can kill him easily. There's Shrink, D.D. Crow, D.D. Warrior D.D. Warrior Lady, D.D. Assalant, Caius the Shadow Monarch, Raiza the Storm Monarch, Compulsory Evacuation Device, Poenix Wing Wind Blast, and a whole bunch of monsters with higher attack power than him. Oh and Mirror Force and Torrential Tribute should not be banned. Think of it this way they help players play even more skillfully by knowing when to use them, they also keep players on their feet as they play more carefully, and their are many ways to negate them such as Stardust Dragon, Seven Tools of the Bandit, Royal Decree, and Jinzo. Monarch1 16:15, 14 December 2008 (UTC)