Forum:The Nordic Lights(worn)

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Any suggestions? ShortCircuitFTW (talkcontribs) 00:32, January 16, 2011 (UTC)


What is the concept behind this deck? How exactly does it run?

Lyla, Ryko, and Celestia are the main source of removal in any Lightsworn deck. The Aesir synchros can't get through certain cards; these are here to stop them and dump cards into the graveyard.

Lumina revives Lightsworns for their effects (in the case of Lyla), but primarily for Synchro Material. Wulf swarms and is a beatstick.

Svartalf is the main way to put Loki on the field, and it recovers Nordics that get milled by my Lightsworns. Dvergr lets me get out Synchros faster via an extra Normal Summon, and I can recover Gungnir if I milled it.

Valkyrie is essentially an instant Odin, so long as I have 2 Nordics in my hand. It's really the only way I get Odin out onto the field. Vanadis not only dumps Nordic monsters into the grave, but it lets me summon Odin or Loki if I didn't get Valkyrie or Svartalf.

Honest works with almost all of the cards in this deck, and gives my weaker monsters protection. Kristya is an alternate win condition, and is easy to bring out wiht Valkyrie, Celestia, and Honest all being fairies.

As for the extra deck, it contains 1 of each Aesir, and a bunch of staples. The spells are also mostly staples, at least for a Lightsworn deck.

Gleipnir is the best search this deck could want, because it gets key cards to the hand without the opponent having to do anything. Gungnir is for more removal, and the rest are staples.

ShortCircuitFTW (talkcontribs) 23:23, January 17, 2011 (UTC)