Forum:The Old Yugioh

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Yesterday, I pulled out my Game Boy Advanced and turned it on. The game inside happened to be Yugioh, Eternal Duelist Soul, a game that was created around the end of the Duelist Kingdom Arc in the first Yugioh.

When I started playing, I couldn't believe how much the game has changed. Back then, Normal Monsters outnumbered Effect Monsters 10 to 1. Fusions were mostly pointless and people actually tributed monsters for a normal summon (outside of monarchs whos till does that on a regular basis). Blue-Eyes was the best card ever and there were no archetypes.

What happened to the game?

It evolved. That's as simple as this. If it hadn't, it would have become more and more repetitive and ended up boring. And please, sign your post. HPZ - O.N.E. (talkcontribs) 17:04, February 26, 2012 (UTC)
I like to call it "inflation," where each time they release new cards they have to be cooler, more interesting (and usually better) than previously released cards; this captures interest, as well as making old decks unusable and forcing players to buy the new cards which is more money in Konami's pocket. It's definitely not a bad thing, though. Brakedamold (talkcontribs) 08:48, March 9, 2012 (UTC)
Well I kinda see the making hundreds of old good cards into old bad cards just because like 10 cards were released as a bad thing.
Shinkirou 14:39, March 10, 2012 (UTC)