Forum:Volcanic Roses 3.0 (R/F)

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  • Strategy: Dump Volcanic Counters in the Graveyard, summon Lava Golem, and ram a Fluff Token into it for game. Optional strategies include beatdown by Plants and Synchro Monsters, as well as a sort of Lockdown with Naturia Rosewhip and Tytannial. Waboku is a failsafe in case you end up about to take any low amount of damage.
  • Deck Fluidity: The deck runs amazingly fast. It's been consistent when playing against my friend's Zombie Deck, and his RFP Deck. The only deck to ever beat this (that I've played against) is my brother's Crystal Beast Deck, where he wore me out with Stall tactics.

Any thoughts on this? (talk) 00:03, August 8, 2010 (UTC)

I don't see how Volcanic Counter helps here, since you have to take the same amount of damage that your opponent takes, and your strategy involves a Lava Golem, which you only have 1 of. You also have 3 cards for Accelerator's Fodder, and 1 Blaze Accelerator to use, so that is also questionable. Is there ever a time that you're relying more on plants than Volcanics? If so, perhaps you may want to use a Lava Golem Garden, with Volcanic Counters for good measure? Of course, instead of Volcanic Counter I STRONGLY suggest using Dimension Wall, since you take none, and you can easily find it in the Structure Deck 12: Curse of Darkness. Good Luck! --Drew-Gi-Oh! (talkcontribs) 00:43, August 8, 2010 (UTC)

Blaze Accelerator is only for in case I were to draw into Counters. I usually mill them, allowing Accelerator to be fodder for something like Lightning Vortex or Hand Destruction.

And I don't care for Dimension Wall too much, since it needs to be used on an opponent's turn, and Counter gives me the freedom to activate on either player's turn (They attack, I get LP damage, or I attack and get LP damage).

But I do usually rely on Plants more, Volcanics being the secondary weapon.

Thank you, though. (talk) 00:51, August 8, 2010 (UTC)

I'm just saying, you don't need to suicide your monsters on your turn, just wait next turn so that your opponent will lose half their Life Points when they attack your Fluff Token. (3000 Damage due to dimension wall + 1000 as cost for Golem to be on the field). --Drew-Gi-Oh! (talkcontribs) 00:54, August 8, 2010 (UTC)