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NameJapanese namePrimary typeSecondary type[[Attribute]][[Level]]/
[[Pendulum Scale|Scale]][[ATK]][[DEF]][[Link Rating|Link]]
The 13th Grave13にんまいそうしゃNormal MonsterDARK31200900
The 13th Grave (BAM)Effect MonsterDARK
The 13th Grave (DDS)13にんめのまいそうしゃ31200900
The 13th Grave (DM1)13にんめのまいそうしゃ1200900
The 13th Grave (DM2)13にんめのまいそうしゃ1200900
The 13th Grave (DM4)13にんめのまいそうしゃ41200900
The 13th Grave (DM5)13にんめのまいそうしゃDARK31200900
The 13th Grave (DM6)13人目の埋葬者DARK31200900
The 13th Grave (DOR)13にんまいそうしゃNormal MonsterDARK31200900
The 13th Grave (Duel Links)13にんまいそうしゃNormal MonsterDARK31200900
The 13th Grave (EDS)DARK31200900
The 13th Grave (FMR)13にんまいそうしゃ1200900
The 13th Grave (Master Duel)13にんまいそうしゃNormal MonsterDARK31200900
The 13th Grave (SDD)13人目の埋葬者DARK31200900
The 13th Grave (TSC)13人目の埋葬者31200900
The 13th Grave (World Championship 2004)13人目の埋葬者DARK31200900
The 13th Grave (World Championship 2005)13人目の埋葬者DARK31200900
The 13th Grave (World Championship 2006)13人目の埋葬者DARK31200900
The 13th Grave (anime)13にんまいそうしゃNormal MonsterDARK31200900
Air Eater (BAM)Effect MonsterWIND