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A wyrm (pronounced worm or vurm) is a type of dragon that commonly appears in British and Norse mythology. These dragons have no legs or arms and only the long, scaled body of a serpent. They are often given poisonous breath and the ability to regenerate or reattach pieces of their body that have been cut off.
Wyrm-Type monsters resemble dragons, but unlike [[Dragon]]-Type monsters, they take more of a spiritual, mythical, metaphysical look. Most of the initial Wyrm-Type monsters were part of the "[[Yang Zing]]" archetype, which seems to be based on Chinese dragons and/or other animals within Chinese lore, such as tigers, resembling "[[Tiger Dragon]]" and "[[Orient Dragon]]" (which are both Dragons, however). "[[Dracocension]]", the first generic support card for this type, hints that there is a relationship between Dragon-Type monsters and Wyrm-Type monsters. After the release of the Yang Zing, two more [[Archetype|archetype]]s have been released: the "[[True Draco|True King and True Draco]]" and "[[Metaphys]]".

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