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User:Evil Yugi

2,850 bytes added, 16 years ago
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==Fic Chapter==
* A/N: Here At last the conclusion to Zane and Sy’s rematch. Sorry it is at took so long last. Due to the sheer length but I plan to make this was busy writing a duel it may take me at least 2 days to completefor The Girl Of Destiny and thinking of new ideas for Nightmarish Dreams. As promised 22 features Please read and review them both if possible! Thanks in advance! Oh and enjoy the long awaited brother rematch rest of our lovable Syrus against the quiet, brooding strategies of his big brother, Zane. Enjoy guysduel! Also Time Fusion’s effect works differently. You remove a card in Sy’s your hand to play a Fusion Monster from your deck I’m tossing as the Fusion Deck doesn’t exist in a few more powerful machines to compliment his weaker ones and Zane’s Cyberdark trio have their the anime effects as do Syrus’. Also although some even though Card Destruction forces both players to discard every card they hold, Sy keeps one of Zane’s speech is from episode 89, the three he was supposed to discard as it’s vital for his victory. Cyberdark Dragon’s effect is by no means Hell Kaiserthe anime one.
Last Time
“Best of luck, little bro.” Zane said, activating his duel disk.
“You too, big bro.” Sy replied activating his own duel disk.
“Let’s duel!” They both shouted.
End Flashback
“So big bro, do you mind if I start?” Syrus asked as they drew their first 5 cards.
“Sure it’s ok with me, Sy.” Zane replied.
“Ok then. I draw.” Sy said as he scanned his hand which contained Gyroid, Patroid, Jetroid, Dragon Compensation, Infernal Dragon and his Ring of Life trap.
“To start I activate my Dragon Compensation spell. Here’s how it works, big bro. I discard one Dragon-type monster from my hand to add a Roid monster from my deck whose level is at least one star higher than the card I got rid of. So I discard my Infernal Dragon to add my Dragonroid card to my hand.” Sy stated as he shuffled his deck after getting his desired card.
Zane smiled as he stared at the spell card. It’s picture was a dragon being dragged into the graveyard while a Roid was being pulled from it.
“Wise tactic little brother, but by playing that spell you’ve helped me as well.” Zane thought as Syrus put the card in his graveyard.
“Next I’ll set a monster and place one card facedown. That ends my turn.” Sy called.
“My turn.” Zane said, drawing a card.
Zane looked over his hand, carefully. So far he held Cyberdark Horn, Time Fusion, Pot of Greed, Power Load and Cyber Valley.
“I activate Pot of Greed so I pick up two more cards.” Zane said calmly as he drew 2 and looked at them which were Cyber Dragon and Quick Summon.
“Thanks to his special ability I special summon Cyber Dragon!” Zane called as the metallic dragon-like machine appeared on his side with a roar. (2100/1600)
“Now meet Cyberdark Horn!” Zane called. The demonic-like machine appeared with a screech. (800/800)
“When Dark Horn is summoned I can remove one Dragon that’s level 4 or below and remove it from either of our graveyards then I can add it to my Cyberdark Horn so I can drain it’s attack points. And I think I’ll take the Infernal Dragon you just discarded.” Zane called.
The dark black and green scaled dragon appeared with a roar before a sort of power draining device attached to it.
Cyberdark Horn screeched as his attack points rose to 2800.
“Now I play Quick Summon! This allows me to instantly summon another monster so now meet Cyber Valley!” Zane said, grinning as Adrian got a better look at Zane’s Quick Summon card.
It looked like construction workers breaking open a sort of capsule to free a new creature.
Cyber Valley rose up with a screech. It looked like a smaller Cyber Dragon. (0/0)
“Now I use Valley’s special ability so I remove my Cyber Dragon-“ Zane started.
“Hold on Zane I activate my facedown trap, Ring of Life. So I’ll use it to destroy your Cyber Dragon and I get life points equal to his defense.” Sy said with a giggle.
Syrus: 9600
Zane: 8000
Cyber Dragon roared and exploded into pixels. “As you were.” Sy told him with a smirk.
“Valley’s effect continues so it is removed from play, along with Cyber Dragon and I draw 2 new cards.” Zane explained, as he drew twice, looking at the cards which were Cyber Phoenix and Fusion Guard.
“However since I can’t be sure what your facedown monster is, I end my turn by laying this facedown.” Zane commented.
“My turn.” Syrus announced as he drew. “Let’s see the only monster Nii-sama has on the field is Cyberdark Horn and none of my monsters are strong enough to destroy it. Well I did draw Pot of Greed so maybe I can get something useful.” He thought.
“Now I play my own Pot of Greed.” He said, drawing two cards.
“Perfect!” Syrus thought with a chuckle.
“I sacrifice my facedown Gyroid…” Syrus began.
“Ah so it’s a good thing I didn’t strike.” Zane thought.
“To summon forth one of my newest monsters…” A machine in shiny metal armor with a circle that could represent his chest appeared on the bluenette’s side.
“The almighty MACHINE KING!!” Syrus shouted with pride. (2200/2000)
“Now for every Machine on the field my King gains 100 points and since there’s 2, my King gains 200 extra points.” Sy explained as Machine King rose to 2400.
“Well it was a valiant effort, but look. Dark Horn has more points." Zane replied with a smile as Dark Horn had 400 more points than Machine King.
“For now, yes big bro. But I activate the equip spell 7 Completed!” Syrus shouted, as a slot machine appeared by Machine King the middle slot changing to a 7.
“Oh no!” Zane cried.
Syrus giggled softly. “Oh yes! 7 Completed raises my Machine’s power by 700!” Sy grinned gleefully as Machine King’s attack rose to 3100.
“Cyberdark Horn is going down. Now my King, destroy his Dark Horn!” Sy commanded pointing at his brother’s monster.
Machine King’s missile bay doors opened and he fired a barrage of missiles at Dark Horn, but when the smoke cleared it remained.
Zane grunted as his life points fell by 300. “My Cyberdark Horn is unharmed. He used your Infernal Dragon as a shield. Sorry ‘bout that.” He replied with a smirk.
Syrus: 9600
Zane: 7700
Syrus groaned softly as he could do nothing else for his turn.
Zane looked at his little brother calmly as he drew. “I assume your finished. So I change Cyberdark Horn to defense mode.” Zane said as he held up a card. “Then I’ll play Cyberdark Edge in attack mode.” Zane told his brother as the large green-winged dragon-like machine appeared on his side. (800/800)
“And just like Dark Horn, Dark Edge can go grave-robbing and then feed on his victim’s attack points little brother. So I’ll take Infernal Dragon again.” Zane called as like with Dark Horn, Infernal’s energy was absorbed raising Dark Edge to 2800.
“Now Dark Edge’s special effect activates! By dividing his own attack points in half he attacks directly!” (2800/2 = 1400)
His wings spread letting loose a huge gust of wind, making Syrus moan softly as it made contact.
Syrus: 8200
Zane: 7700
“Then I’ll lay out this for later and end my turn.” Zane said softly.
Can End Flashback“You’ll pay for that big bro!” Sy warned with a smile.Zane smiled back. “We’ll see, Sy.” He chided.Syrus defeat drew and smiled upon seeing his Cyberdark Impact! Card but for now he couldn’t use it as he didn’t have Dark Horn, Keel, and Edge in his hand, graveyard or on his field.“Let’s see if I attack Cyberdark Horn, it will be destroyed, but then Machine King’s attack points decrease…plus I don’t know what Zane’s facedown card is. What should I do?” Syrus thought.“Sy? You all right? Zane asked, a little concerned as his little brother was suddenly quiet.“Y-Yeah, Zane. I’m fine.” Syrus told him, mentally cursing himself for stammering.“Sy I can tell your nervous but don’t be. I promise I’m not Hell Kaiser. Remember when you had the guts to set me straight?” Zane asked gently.Syrus nodded.“You had to have guts to face me while I was Hell Kaiser. You can do this, Sy. Just try. Trust in yourself and in your deck.” Zane assured him.Syrus nodded, smiling. “That was just what I needed. Just as Zane did before becoming Hell Kaiser, he trusted in his deck which is why he never lost. Don’t worry big brother, I promise I’ll come at you with everything I’ve got!” He thought.“Then go ahead Sy. The turn is still yours.” Zane reminded.“Right, here goes! I’ll summon my Jetroid in defense mode and then Machine King will attack your Cyberdark Horn!” Sy shouted as Machine King rose to 3200 attack due to Jetroid being summoned.Machine King fired a missile barrage at Dark Horn who screeched in pain as he exploded into pixels, dropping Machine King to 3100 points again.“That ends my turn.” Sy stated calmly as the little red jet plane appeared on his side. (1200/1800)“My turn. I draw.” Zane said as he drew.“Let’s see. I can attack Sy directly again with Dark Edge but then in his next turn he can just use a double attack on Dark Edge and leave me defenseless. I guess the best choice would be to play Time Fusion plus with the Negate Attack card I just drew I can block his attack.” Zane thought.“I activate Time Fusion so I remove Cyber Phoenix from play to summon Cyber Twin Dragon!” Zane shouted as the 2-headed Cyber Dragon appeared. (2800/2800)“But why play Cyber Twin? It’s a weaker Machine than my King plus with another Machine in play, his attack becomes 3200.” Syrus protested.“Syrus let me redefine the definition of weak for you. Now I cast Power Load!” Zane announced with a grin as a sort of power transference machine attached to Cyberdark Edge and drew out power from it, as Cyber Twin Dragon roared as he gained 400 attack points bringing his attack to equal Machine King’s.“Cyber Twin gains 400 attack points for each attack that my other Machines could make. Now my dragon, attack Jetroid! Double Strident Blast!” He commanded as each head fired a separate Strident Blast, destroying Jetroid but also lowering Machine King to 3100.Zane smirked. “And don’t forget little bro, Cyber Twin can attack twice in a round. Attack Machine King! Double Strident Blast!!” Zane shouted as Cyber Twin repeated it’s attack, finally destroying the mighty Machine.“No! My King!!!” Syrus screamed in anguish as his life points dropped by 100.Syrus: 8100Zane: 7700“I’ll place one card facedown and end my turn.” Zane stated.Syrus drew and grinned softly. “I activate Graceful Charity! So I draw 3 cards then I discard 2.” He said drawing 3 which were Cyberdark Horn and Keel and Card Destruction.“Perfect…now all I need is Cyberdark Keel in the grave and my Rebirth Judgment trap.” Syrus thought, smirking.“I activate Card Destruction so we both discard our hands then draw the same number we threw out.” Sy explained as he discarded Horn and Keel as he drew 2 more cards, Zane however had no cards in his hand so he couldn’t draw.Sy grinned evilly as he saw his desired Rebirth Judgment trap along with his Card of Demise spell which would let him draw 5 more cards.“Next I use Card of Demise so now I draw ‘till I’m holding 5 cards but if I don’t use them in 5 turns, I lose them in 5 turns.” Sy explained with a giggle.Zane smiled. “Yes, good move.” He commented.Sy scanned the 4 new cards he drew. They were Trap Booster, Cyberdark Keel, Submarineroid and Power Wall.Sy laughed a bit as Zane raised an eyebrow. “What’s so funny little bro? Find ” The puzzled Truesdale asked.“You’ll see, Zane. It all starts with this card, my Trap Booster spell so I discard my Cyberdark Keel to activate it. Next thanks to that spell I activate Rebirth Judgment from my hand. So now all the monsters in our graveyards are Dragons.” Syrus explained.Zane nodded, as he waited for his baby brother to finish his turn.“Now the time has come. I play Cyberdark Impact! so I return Dark Horn, Keel and Edge back to my deck from the grave. With that done I can summon the almighty CYBERDARK DRAGON!!!” Syrus screamed with glee as the large dragon appeared.Each of it’s three fusion parts made up a piece of the dragon. Cyberdark Keel made up it’s tail, Edge it’s head and wings and Horn made up it’s mouth and other appendages.It let out a massive roar as it appeared. (1000/1000)“Now I can remove one Dragon from either of our Graveyards and I pick my Dragonroid!” Syrus shouted as his Machine appeared by Cyberdark Dragon and the power drainers were attached to it as Cyberdark Dragon roared, his attack soaring to 3900.“Now for every card in my Graveyard, Cyberdark Dragon gains 100 points. Of course you knew that as you used it against me.” Sy reminded with a smirk.“Depending on how many cards Sy has in Part 2 his graveyard, he could win with one attack!” Alexis called, astonished.“I have 8 cards in my grave so Cyberdark Dragon gains 800 extra points bringing his attack to 4700!” Syrus called with a laugh.Zane gritted his teeth, bracing himself for the attack. “I activate my trap, Negate Attack!” He called.Dark Dragon’s attack crashed into the barrier, stopping in it’s path.“I place my card facedown and end my turn.” Sy called.Zane drew. “I play Spell Retrieval so by paying 500 points, I can take a spell from your graveyard and use it as my own, however should I use it I am forced to pay 1000 life points and you are forced to send 5 Machine monsters to the graveyard from either your deck or hand. So I’ll take your Card Of Demise.” Zane calmly stated as Syrus tossed him the card.Syrus: 8100Zane: 7200“Next I’ll use Card of Demise so I draw 5 while giving up 1000 points due to Retrieval while you must send 5 Machines to the grave.” Zane told him as he tossed Sy back his Card of Demise to place back in his grave.Syrus: 8100Zane: 6200Syrus smiled and did so, sending Kiteroid, Rescueroid, Turboroid, Expressroid and Truckroid to his graveyard as Cyberdark Dragon’s attack rose to 5200.“Now I play this exciting duel spell card. It’s called Machine Burial so I must send 8 Machines to the Graveyard, one for every thousand points my opponent has.”Syrus looked at Zane’s deck which was getting dangerously low. He’d run out of cards and automatically lose in 3 turns. Sy’s deck however still had 40 cards left. (Sy started with 49 cards, Zane with 40)“Time to finish this. I play OVERLOAD FUSION!!!” Zane screamed.“Oh no!” Syrus squealed in fear.“I remove 13 Machines from play! Come forth CHIMERATECH OVERDRAGON!!” Zane shouted.A large metallic dragon appeared on the field. (?/?)“Now for every Machine used to summon him, Chimeratech gains 800 attack and defense points.” Zane calmly stated.“But you used 13 so…” Syrus protested.“So Chimeratech gains 10,400 points!” Zane called.Suddenly 13 heads poked out of the Machine’s chest, all roaring.(10,400/10,400)“Overdragon, attack Cyberdark Dragon!!” Zane commanded.All 13 heads roared, launching energy blasts.“You triggered my trap. It’s Power Wall so I discard 39 cards!” Sy announced throwing all but one card into his grave.Sy groaned as he still lost 1300 points, but thanks to a card he’d thrown out, his dragon stayed intact.Syrus: 6800Zane: 6200“What the? He survived?! But how?” Zane asked, really puzzled.Sy grinned as the Life Saver monster slipped from his grave.“If Life Saver is sent from the deck to grave, a monster on my side is spared in battle so I’m sure you’ll like!still in this duel.” Sy replied.To be continued…“And because you sent 39 cards…” Zane started.“Dark Dragon gains another 3900 points.” Sy finished with a giggle.
* A/N: In this Axel will also use Skyscraper and Elemental Hero Neos but all the other cards he uses will either be his own or Jaden’s cards with changed names and altered effects. Like the last chapter Lorenzo’s speech along with those on the resistance’s side will be what I remember from Episode 71. Enjoy!
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