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User:Evil Yugi

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==Fic Chapter==
* A/N: At last the conclusion to In this chapter there will be 3 fangirls who are NUTS for Zane (like those cheerleaders are for Duke) who will be in complete shock that Zane lost and Sy’s rematch. Sorry it took so long but I was busy writing plot a duel for The Girl Of Destiny and thinking of new ideas way to get back at Syrus for Nightmarish Dreams. Please read and review them both if possible! Thanks in advance! Oh and enjoy the rest of the duel! Also Time Fusion’s effect works differentlydefeating their crush. You remove a card Their identities will be revealed in your hand to play a Fusion Monster from your deck as the Fusion Deck doesn’t exist in the animelater chapter. Also even though Card Destruction forces both players to discard every card they hold, Sy keeps Anyway enjoy this one of the three he was supposed to discard as it’s vital for his victory. Cyberdark Dragon’s effect is the anime one.!
Last Time
“Now Dark Edge’s special effect activates! By dividing his own attack points in half he attacks directly!” (2800/2 = 1400)
His wings spread letting loose a huge gust of wind, making Syrus moan softly as it made contact.
Syrus: 8200
Zane: 7700
“Then I’ll lay out this for later and end my turn.” Zane said softly.
End Flashback
“You’ll pay for that big bro!” Sy warned with a smile.
Zane smiled back. “We’ll see, Sy.” He chided.
Syrus drew and smiled upon seeing his Cyberdark Impact! Card but for now he couldn’t use it as he didn’t have Dark Horn, Keel, and Edge in his hand, graveyard or on his field.
“Let’s see if I attack Cyberdark Horn, it will be destroyed, but then Machine King’s attack points decrease…plus I don’t know what Zane’s facedown card is. What should I do?” Syrus thought.
“Sy? You all right? Zane asked, a little concerned as his little brother was suddenly quiet.
“Y-Yeah, Zane. I’m fine.” Syrus told him, mentally cursing himself for stammering.
“Sy I can tell your nervous but don’t be. I promise I’m not Hell Kaiser. Remember when you had the guts to set me straight?” Zane asked gently.
Syrus nodded.
“You had to have guts to face me while I was Hell Kaiser. You can do this, Sy. Just try. Trust in yourself and in your deck.” Zane assured him.
Syrus nodded, smiling. “That was just what I needed. Just as Zane did before becoming Hell Kaiser, he trusted in his deck which is why he never lost. Don’t worry big brother, I promise I’ll come at you with everything I’ve got!” He thought.
“Then go ahead Sy. The turn is still yours.” Zane reminded.
“Right, here goes! I’ll summon my Jetroid in defense mode and then Machine King will attack your Cyberdark Horn!” Sy shouted as Machine King rose to 3200 attack due to Jetroid being summoned.
Machine King fired a missile barrage at Dark Horn who screeched in pain as he exploded into pixels, dropping Machine King to 3100 points again.
“That ends my turn.” Sy stated calmly as the little red jet plane appeared on his side. (1200/1800)
“My turn. I draw.” Zane said as he drew.
“Let’s see. I can attack Sy directly again with Dark Edge but then in his next turn he can just use a double attack on Dark Edge and leave me defenseless. I guess the best choice would be to play Time Fusion plus with the Negate Attack card I just drew I can block his attack.” Zane thought.
“I activate Time Fusion so I remove Cyber Phoenix from play to summon Cyber Twin Dragon!” Zane shouted as the 2-headed Cyber Dragon appeared. (2800/2800)
“But why play Cyber Twin? It’s a weaker Machine than my King plus with another Machine in play, his attack becomes 3200.” Syrus protested.
“Syrus let me redefine the definition of weak for you. Now I cast Power Load!” Zane announced with a grin as a sort of power transference machine attached to Cyberdark Edge and drew out power from it, as Cyber Twin Dragon roared as he gained 400 attack points bringing his attack to equal Machine King’s.
“Cyber Twin gains 400 attack points for each attack that my other Machines could make. Now my dragon, attack Jetroid! Double Strident Blast!” He commanded as each head fired a separate Strident Blast, destroying Jetroid but also lowering Machine King to 3100.
Zane smirked. “And don’t forget little bro, Cyber Twin can attack twice in a round. Attack Machine King! Double Strident Blast!!” Zane shouted as Cyber Twin repeated it’s attack, finally destroying the mighty Machine.
“No! My King!!!” Syrus screamed in anguish as his life points dropped by 100.
Syrus: 8100
Zane: 7700
“I’ll place one card facedown and end my turn.” Zane stated.
Syrus drew and grinned softly. “I activate Graceful Charity! So I draw 3 cards then I discard 2.” He said drawing 3 which were Cyberdark Horn and Keel and Card Destruction.
“Perfect…now all I need is Cyberdark Keel in the grave and my Rebirth Judgment trap.” Syrus thought, smirking.
“I activate Card Destruction so we both discard our hands then draw the same number we threw out.” Sy explained as he discarded Horn and Keel as he drew 2 more cards, Zane however had no cards in his hand so he couldn’t draw.
Sy grinned evilly as he saw his desired Rebirth Judgment trap along with his Card of Demise spell which would let him draw 5 more cards.
“Next I use Card of Demise so now I draw ‘till I’m holding 5 cards but if I don’t use them in 5 turns, I lose them in 5 turns.” Sy explained with a giggle.
Zane smiled. “Yes, good move.” He commented.
Sy scanned the 4 new cards he drew. They were Trap Booster, Cyberdark Keel, Submarineroid and Power Wall.
Sy laughed a bit as Zane raised an eyebrow. “What’s so funny little bro?” The puzzled Truesdale asked.
“You’ll see, Zane. It all starts with this card, my Trap Booster spell so I discard my Cyberdark Keel to activate it. Next thanks to that spell I activate Rebirth Judgment from my hand. So now all the monsters in our graveyards are Dragons.” Syrus explained.
Zane nodded, as he waited for his baby brother to finish his turn.
“Now the time has come. I play Cyberdark Impact! so I return Dark Horn, Keel and Edge back to my deck from the grave. With that done I can summon the almighty CYBERDARK DRAGON!!!” Syrus screamed with glee as the large dragon appeared.
Each of it’s three fusion parts made up a piece of the dragon. Cyberdark Keel made up it’s tail, Edge it’s head and wings and Horn made up it’s mouth and other appendages.
It let out a massive roar as it appeared. (1000/1000)
“Now I can remove one Dragon from either of our Graveyards and I pick my Dragonroid!” Syrus shouted as his Machine appeared by Cyberdark Dragon and the power drainers were attached to it as Cyberdark Dragon roared, his attack soaring to 3900.
“Now for every card in my Graveyard, Cyberdark Dragon gains 100 points. Of course you knew that as you used it against me.” Sy reminded with a smirk.
“Depending on how many cards Sy has in his graveyard, he could win with one attack!” Alexis called, astonished.
“I have 8 cards in my grave so Cyberdark Dragon gains 800 extra points bringing his attack to 4700!” Syrus called with a laugh.
Zane gritted his teeth, bracing himself for the attack. “I activate my trap, Negate Attack!” He called.
Dark Dragon’s attack crashed into the barrier, stopping in it’s path.
“I place my card facedown and end my turn.” Sy called.
Zane drew. “I play Spell Retrieval so by paying 500 points, I can take a spell from your graveyard and use it as my own, however should I use it I am forced to pay 1000 life points and you are forced to send 5 Machine monsters to the graveyard from either your deck or hand. So I’ll take your Card Of Demise.” Zane calmly stated as Syrus tossed him the card.
Syrus: 8100
Zane: 7200
“Next I’ll use Card of Demise so I draw 5 while giving up 1000 points due to Retrieval while you must send 5 Machines to the grave.” Zane told him as he tossed Sy back his Card of Demise to place back in his grave.
Syrus: 8100
Zane: 6200
Syrus smiled and did so, sending Kiteroid, Rescueroid, Turboroid, Expressroid and Truckroid to his graveyard as Cyberdark Dragon’s attack rose to 5200.
“Now I play this spell card. It’s called Machine Burial so I must send 8 Machines to the Graveyard, one for every thousand points my opponent has.”
Syrus looked at Zane’s deck which was getting dangerously low. He’d run out of cards and automatically lose in 3 turns. Sy’s deck however still had 40 cards left. (Sy started with 49 cards, Zane with 40)
“Time to finish this. I play OVERLOAD FUSION!!!” Zane screamed.
“Oh no!” Syrus squealed in fear.
“I remove 13 Machines from play! Come forth CHIMERATECH OVERDRAGON!!” Zane shouted.
A large metallic dragon appeared on the field. (?/?)
“Now for every Machine used to summon him, Chimeratech gains 800 attack and defense points.” Zane calmly stated.
“But you used 13 so…” Syrus protested.
“So Chimeratech gains 10,400 points!” Zane called.
Suddenly 13 heads poked out of the Machine’s chest, all roaring.
“Overdragon, attack Cyberdark Dragon!!” Zane commanded.
All 13 heads roared, launching energy blasts.
“You triggered my trap. It’s Power Wall so I discard 39 cards!” Sy announced throwing all but one card into his grave.
Sy groaned as he still lost 1300 points, but thanks to a card he’d thrown out, his dragon stayed intact.
Syrus: 6800
Zane: 6200
“What the? He survived?! But how?” Zane asked, really puzzled.
Sy grinned as the Life Saver monster slipped from his grave.
“If Life Saver is sent from the deck to grave, a monster on my side is spared in battle so I’m still in this duel.” Sy replied.
“And because you sent 39 cards…” Zane started.
Syrus: 6800
Zane: 0
End Flashback
An eerie silence fell over the dueling arena as Zane knelt on the arena floor, breathing heavily.
“I don’t believe it…” One girl who was a huge Zane fan murmured.
“Zane lost…” Another girl murmured.
“This is nuts… Zane never loses…” Another whispered.
Zane looked up at his baby brother with a smile. “Congratulations…you win…” He told him, trying to catch his breath from Cyberdark Dragon’s final strike.
The 3 Zane fan girls watched, dismayed that their beloved Zane could lose to such a dorky little runt.
Jaden and the others began to applaud the 2 duelists and soon about 1,500 others did save for the 3 Zane fan girls.
Syrus held his hand out to help his big brother up which he accepted.
The two Truesdale brothers slowly made their way off the arena as most of the other spectators left, however the 3 Zane fan girls remained.
“We gotta do something about this…” The first girl whispered.
“Yeah! No one defeats our Zane!” The second chorused.
“That little twerp will pay!” The third whispered, her eyes gleaming mischievously in Syrus’ direction.
Jaden ran to the 2 brothers, grinning excitedly. “That was awesome! Great duel, guys!” He said happily.
Zane and Sy smiled. “Thanks Jaden.” They replied.
“There was one thing I didn’t understand though.” Jesse and Adrian spoke up.
“What?” The brothers asked.
“That fusion monster that Sy used…” Jesse started.
“Yes wasn’t that a card Zane used as Hell Kaiser?” Adrian finished.
“You mean Cyberdark Dragon?” Sy asked.
Jesse and Adrian nodded.
Before Zane could answer, another voice spoke up.
“Yes actually it was.” Came Aster Phoenix’s cool, brisk reply.
Jesse and Adrian gasped in surprise.
“What is it?” Zane asked calmly.
“Well it’s just…” Adrian started.
“Yes?” Zane asked, awaiting the boy’s question.
“Well if you used Cyberdark Dragon as Hell Kaiser, then how did Sy get a hold of it? More importantly, why did he use it?” Adrian asked.
Zane chuckled a bit as he readied himself to answer.
Alexis’ eyes sparkled a little as she hadn’t heard Zane laugh kindly like that since his Graduation Duel against Jaden in her freshman year, which to everyone’s surprise ended in a draw, so hearing him laugh like that made her happy to know that what Zane had said was true in that Hell Kaiser no longer existed.
“To answer your first question Adrian, last year I inherited my Cyberdark deck to Sy who combined it with his cards to defeat Izimu Makoto then afterwards I inherited my original Cyber Dragon deck to Sy. As for why he used Cyberdark Dragon, ask him that yourself.” Zane replied with a smile.
Adrian turned to Sy. “Well, Sy? Why did you use that card?” Adrian asked.
Syrus blushed as he smiled. “Well I know Nii-san loves to fuse monsters so I used Cyberdark because I knew I’d have a lot of cards in my grave.” Sy replied.
“Ah I see. Very resourceful.” Adrian replied.
“Thank you.” Sy giggled.
Meanwhile Dark Magician Girl walked over from her seat and smiled.
“I knew you could do it Sy.” She replied happily, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Sy blushed and happily returned the kiss.
Meanwhile a Kaibadome employee walked over and handed Chazz a letter.
Chazz took it and quickly scanned it over, before pumping his fist in joy.
“Finally The Chazz gets to duel!” He replied in his usual arrogant tone as he led the group back to the limo.
Little did he know his opponent would be a blast from the past…
And just who were those 3 girls obsessed with Zane?
Only time would tell exactly who or what our intrepid group would face in the days to come.
To be continued…
* A/N: In this Axel will also use Skyscraper and Elemental Hero Neos but all the other cards he uses will either be his own or Jaden’s cards with changed names and altered effects. Like the last chapter Lorenzo’s speech along with those on the resistance’s side will be what I remember from Episode 71. Enjoy!

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