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User:Evil Yugi

385 bytes added, 16 years ago
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3 - Wight equals right.
4 – Twosies equals two.
* A/N: At last, the exciting part 1 of a 2 part conclusion to the duel of Joey VS Yubel. Good VS Evil! Which will triumph? You’ll have to read to see, but the result may shock you! Enjoy the chappie! Also Sinister Seeds effect is changed which lets Yubel summon 2 tokens without a monster needing to be destroyed in battle. Also just to let you all know I don’t follow the exact card effects for a reason: my duels have a certain way I want them to go so if I have to twist an effect to do so, I will. Also Dark Summoning Beast will be referred to as it’s Japanese name, Dark Summons God. Oh one more thing. Phantom Skyblaster CAN attack on the turn it’s effect is played.
Last Time
Yubel laughed once more. “By placing the Sacred Beasts in my graveyard, Chaos Core gains 3 counters. By removing one, Chaos Core receives no damage three times.” Yubel announced as 3 counters appeared on Core’s head.
“Now I activate the magic card Double Summon which grants me a second Normal Summon this turn.” Yubel explained.
“Oh great.” Joey groaned.
“I sacrifice Chaos Core to call forth Dark Summons God!” Yubel called.
A black fiend with huge blue wings and a red cape like covering on where it’s legs would be let out a fiendish roar. (0/0)
“Now I activate my God’s special ability. By sacrificing it I can call forth all 3 of the Sacred Beasts!!!” Yubel shouted cackling insanely.
To be continued…

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