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* Since one of the main difficulties of a "Bonding" deck is the setup needed to make the "Bonding" Spells/Traps work, destruction effects can prove extremely helpful against this deck. "[[Raigeki]]", "[[Dark Hole]]", "[[Interrupted Kaiju Slumber]]" or "[[Torrential Tribute]]" can destroy any progress the "Bonding" player built up and might end the duel then and there.
* The deck needs to Special Summon most of the cards it plans to use, therefore "[[Archlord Kristya]]", "[[Vanity's Fiend]]" or "[[Vanity's Emptiness]]" are able to halt the deck rather effectively.
* By the same token, cards that negate summons are also effective against this deck; examples include "[[Solemn Warning]]", "[[Solemn Strike]]" or "[[Solemn JugdmentJudgment]]".
* Since "Bonding" works with the GY to some extent, cards like "[[Dimensional Fissure]]", "[[Banisher of the Light]]", "[[Banisher of the Radiance]]" or "[[Macro Cosmos]]" can cripple the deck, as they can simply banish crucial cards like "Hydrogeddon" or "Duoterion".

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