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Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! - Episode 021

18 bytes removed, 11 months ago
Text replacement - "Bochi (GO RUSH!!)|Bochi" to "Bochi"
Once they get back to the [[UTS office]], [[Galixon Tazaki|Mr. Tazaki]] yells that this is why he told them not to go down there, and as Yudias, Yuhi and Yuamu bow in apology he asks what they would have done had a nasty alien kidnapped them when they couldn't move, [[Ms. Purisaki]] agreeing they should be grateful that Manabu brought them home as [[Mr. Yagi]] and [[Ms. Maki]] look on. Tazaki tells them they won't go there again and Yudias sighs "Jo jon du" sadly, while Yuhi and Yuamu apologize, though Yuhi points out they harvested some crops since they found Yuna Goha underground and Tazaki has to rein him in. Yuamu admits that it's got more confusing, as she'd assumed Yuna had been kidnapped by the [[Rovian Bandits]], and Yuhi imitates Yuna's admiration of Rovian, commenting it seemed more like they were friends. Tazaki asks in confusion if Yuna is staying underground of her own volition and Yuamu admits she wanted to make sure but Yuna got away, a statement that hits Yudias hard.
Yuamu asks Tazaki if he was able to contact [[London Kirishima]] and Tazaki admits they haven't been able to, so Yuamu rings [[Manya Atachi]] instead. Manya greets Yuamu with her usual greeting, though gets disgruntled when she realizes it's Yuamu because she didn't need to act. Manya asks why Yuamu is calling, and when Yuamu asks if London Kirishima is there, Manya states that's what she wants to know, as Kirishima has completely disappeared and left his work in a mess for her to manage (with [[Bochi (GO RUSH!!)|Bochi]] hurriedly answering several phones at once). Yuamu comments that it's as she thought and Manya asks if she knows where Kirishima is, but Yuamu claims she doesn't and apologizes for calling while Manya is busy before hanging up, though Manya knows Yuamu was lying because of her bad acting and puts down the phone, muttering London Kirishima's name thoughtfully. Back at [[UTS]], Tazaki notes the mystery has deepened if their client, London Kirishima himself, has gone missing and Purisaki adds that he won't be around to pay them for their job, Maki noting they seem to have been rolled up in something strange. Yuamu wonders if this was even a real job from the beginning and Tazaki asks her what they should do. Yuamu thinks for a moment and Yuhi protests Yuamu can't be thinking of giving up now since they found Yuna Goha and UTS always complete whatever jobs they accept. Purisaki and Maki are surprised by Yuhi's motivation, though Yuamu notes he just wants results as soon as possible so he can get promoted. Yuhi's caught off guard, but agrees that he and Yudias want to move up and eventually become executive directors.
However when he asks if Yudias agrees, Yudias doesn't reply and it takes a good while of Yuhi calling his name to get Yudias to notice and ask Yuhi if something is wrong. Yuhi points out that Yudias is the one off and wrong and Yudias admits this is his fault: his defeat is the reason Yuna got away. He remembers Yuna defeating him and taking his Duel Disk and Yuamu whispers his name, though Yuhi tells Yudias not to worry about it, given anyone would have lost after facing something they never saw before, and Yudias says Yuhi's name appreciatively. Yuamu wonders what [[Road Arms - Sevens Lance (anime)|that card]] was and Yuhi recalls Yuna called it an "[[Equip Spell Card]]", Yuamu admitting she's never seen it before and noting it's a new type of [[Spell Card]]. Normally Spell and [[Trap Card|Trap Cards]] go to the [[Graveyard]] after being [[Activate|activated]], but the Equip Spell stayed on the field, which Yuhi dubs as being "[[Equip|equipped]]" to the monster. Yuamu asks if they know anything, but gets no response and sighs that she thought not. Yuhi is confused until Yudias explains Yuamu was trying to talk to [[Fisher Sukai|the Informant]], Yuhi remembering the skyfish, and Yuamu explains they would have know something if they were there, Yuhi deducing they must still be trapped in the bag Yuna caught them in if they didn't respond. Despondent over losing the Informant as well, Yuhi asks what they'll do and Yuamu states they need to start investigating Yuna Goha from scratch, much to everyone's surprise. Yuamu believes they must have missed something in their research and Tazaki calls her title proudly as Yuamu reminds them UTS always finish the jobs they accept. Yuhi excitedly agrees, Yuamu admitting she can't let this go either, so Yuhi eagerly suggests they bed since they're exhausted from being crushed by the gravity. As the three of them head off the adults wish them good night, the twins responding in kind.
autopatrol, Bots, mover

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