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Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel 005

5 bytes added, 14 years ago
[[File:YGO-005 Kokurano's display.jpg|thumb|left|Kokurano's service.]]
When the trio are next in line, Jonouchi prompts Anzu to get her fortune told. As she objects, the room suddenly shakes as an earthquake occurs. Kokurano then quotes Jonouchi, that he had said "get your fortune told". He tells Jonouchi that he is no fortune teller. Unlike other methods such as astrology and plam palm reading, which are only effective because they rely on stasticsstatistics, he sees clear visions of the future. He then hands Jonouchi a slip of paper, he had wrote someting something on earlier, and asks him to read it out loud for everyone to hear. Jonouchi reads the slip, saying "Earthquake today". The whole room applauds.
Now impressed Anzu slides forward, saying that maybe she will get her fortune told after all. Kokurano begins to feel her hand. This enrages Yugi. Kokurano himself feels privileged, having admired Anzu for so long. He looks at his two attendants, thinking they are beginning to bore him and that he can seduce Anzu by using his powers. Kokurano tells her that she will see a wonderful man, already close to her. She will fall so deeply in love, that she will swoon before him. Anzu's thoughts melt, as she wonders if it could be [[Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel 004|the man who saved her]].
===After the service===
Back in the classroom, Yugi is feeling down about the prediction. Jonouchi tries to cheer him up, insisting Kokurano's predictions are useless, but Anzu says she's heard a rumor of of how Kokurano's powers came to be famous. He predicting a fire at a student's house 3 days before it happened. The student survived, butis but is still in hospital. That clenchs clenches it for Jonouchi, who's is now convinced that Kokurano really is psychic. However Yugi still doesn't believe it, but wonders what "countless letters" could mean.
After school, as Yugi packs his bag, he recalls how Anzu doesn't have work today and promised to go shopping with him on the way home. He spots a library book, that's due today, inside someone's desk. Suspecting someone forgot to return it, he decides to take it to the library, before Anzu arrives. Unbeknownst to Yugi, Kokurano watches him as he makes his way there.
[[File:YGO-005 Anzu swoons.jpg|thumb|left|Kokurano knocks Anzu out with chloroform.]]
Kokurano enters the classroom and tells Anzu the person's she's waiting for won't come, but predicts someone even more wonderful will come. He asks if she remembers his prediction, but Anzu can't believe that Yugi won't come. Kokurano suddenly presses somes some chloroform against Anzu's mouth, saying his predictions are infallible. Anzu passes out and as Kokurano lays her down, he points out that she swooned before him, as he predicted. Raising his arms in triumph, he laughs that as long as he has his powers any woman shall be his and he'll be popular forever. He hears someone ask "You think so" and turns to find Yugi.
Dark Yugi tells Kokurano his prediction failed and imposes a game. Should Yugi lose; he'll acknowledge Kokurano's powers. Barely awake on the floor, Anzu hears him say "Let's play a game" and realizes that whoever just came in is the man who saved her [[Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel 004|last time]]. She tries to get a look at his face, but falls asleep, before she can get a clear image.

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