User:Skilled DMage

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I'm a regular guy who plays Yu-Gi-Oh as a hobby. I started playing this great game when I was just a freshman in high school. Now I'm a freshman at college and I still enjoy it as much as I did 4 years ago. I don't own the most rarest of cards because I'm just not that lucky to get my hands on them, therefore my Deck is sometimes considered inferior to others. I usually Duel with my friends, who are also as into the game as I am. We fare evenly against one another, and I use that term lightly. Their Decks are definitely better, and most of the time I win by sheer luck. Other times, I'll just plain lose because my luck with my own cards aren't even that good. Dead draws are pretty much my specialty. I don't know if its Deck inconsistency or if its just me. I get comments that my Decks are built badly, which is why I've come here. I hope you guys can help me construct a Deck that is both competitive and fun to use at the same time. Here's my current Deck:

Deck - Evil Overdrive[edit]

This Deck build is actually a test of mine, to combine the powerful effect of Dark Ruler Ha Des and the Evil Heroes to overwhelm the opponent. Evil Hero fusions are also used. Evil Hero Malicious Edge is probably the centerfold of this build, simply because he's very easy to summon, boasts a powerful effect and has high atk. Bazoo the Soul-Eater is thrown in to support the well-known Return from the Different Dimension reversal.

== Monsters == [23]

== Spells == [14]

== Traps == [7]

== Fusion Monsters == [2]

My Comments[edit]

Still testing it out.