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:<span style="color:black;"> Don't add in a torrential tribute. itmay be useful, but it takes out your ladies as well. Add a 2nd Burden of the mighty. 2 is better than one.--[[User:Evil Elmo|Evil Elmo]] 5:16, November 30, 2009 (UTC)
:<span style="color:black;"> Don't add in a torrential tribute. itmay be useful, but it takes out your ladies as well. Add a 2nd Burden of the mighty. 2 is better than one.--[[User:Evil Elmo|Evil Elmo]] 5:16, November 30, 2009 (UTC)
:Actually, Light would special summon another monster, so you'd always be able to keep a monster on the field. So do use Torrential. [[User:Runer5h|Runer5h]] 22:20, November 30, 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Latest revision as of 22:20, 30 November 2009

Hey there everyone! Sandy here and I have been thinking a lot about these Fortune Ladies, seeing how, unlike some of the other lady influenced cards (Ie harpies ladies and amazons) these girls will be getting a lot of support from old and new cards so what I had in mind was making a deck, trying to see what would work and what would not, that when well the cards become available I can just get the ones for the deck instead of splurging and ending up with cards that in the long run I will not be using. So yeah, if ya'all could help me out and give me some hints/tips/ect about this deck I would be most grateful! I built this mostly around the tips that this wiki gave and apparently even if I go over forty cards it's suppose to be okay thanks to the 'draw power' of this deck so yeah. I'm not looking for a burn deck but looking for a way to swarm them out and keep on the field long enough to make them well... 'uber' while using their effects to their full potential.

Sandy Sagebrush 20:49, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

I run a variant of this deck, using Fortune Ladies to fuel Monarchs. It runs pretty smoothly most of the time. However, I've conceptualized a copy of a standard lady deck as well, and it has some neat tricks:

  • Cyber Valley: Draw power, and if you use it with a Fortune Lady it sets up for Fortune Future.
  • Jester Confit: It can tribute summon the big ladies, works in Synchro summons, and can be abused with Magical Dimension.
  • Kinka-Byo: It works with Valley, Confit, but most importantly Lighty. Bring back Lighty, and you get a free Fortune Lady when the turn ends. Plus, that makes Fortune Future a live card.

Those are my ideas. Runer5h 21:16, 11 August 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Wow thanks for the tips, I would have never thought of these guys, I am going to have to test them out hopefully soon. Thus I have changed up the deck a bit to see if this would work better. I took out Soul Absorption because I was hardly drawing it and when I did it was usually a dead draw and took out Solitaire Magical, since she usually would end up gone before I could use her effect. I have also replaced Dimension Prison with Bottomless Trap Hole and have taken out one Fortune Inherit for a Allure of Darkness mainly due to the fact that now I have about seven dark monsters. Sandy Sagebrush 22:38, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

Try putting in secret villiage of the spellcasters

with the fortune ladies swarming the field so much and considering there all spellcasters I think secret village is one of the best cards for this deck

Okay I also recently decided that Future Vision by it self is kinda lame, but I am not going to get rid of it, simply reducing it's number and I have added in one Secret Village of the Spellcasters to fill in the slot, since most of the deck is comprised with spellcasters I thought it would be a good idea. Sandy Sagebrush 08:20, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

This should be fun.

  • Well..A fortune lady deck huh? These fortune ladies are actually pretty fun after I looked at their effects and cards that should work with them. First let me say that at 45 cards, the deck list in Ms. Fortune isn't going to be "Uber". So I suggest you cut out these cards first as a must:
  • -1 Lightning Vortex (Don't need it)
  • -1 Pot of avarice (Don't Need it)
  • -2 Future Vision, I know its the key field but...Its not good for Fortune ladies. I think there are better ways to make them run.
  • -1 Compulse, You do not need it.
  • -1 Twist of fate (I can think of better things to put in)
  • -1 The Transmigration Prophecy, Due to Darky's Effect...You want those fortune ladies in the deck.
  • -1 Fortune Inherent. All this really does is deplete your hand advantage.
  • -1 Cyber Valley, Not fast enough.
  • -1 Magical dimension, don't think you will need it if you have lighty's to bring out anything you need that is 5 stars+
  • Now....For space cuts, these are made purely because you need space for other cards:
  • -2 Fortune Lady Earthy, I know its the strongest fortune lady in terms of starting attack, However its effect is only a burn effect whereas Darky which is one of my favorites has a REVIVE effect.
  • -1 Swords of Revealing light, I know it stalls well..But you need space.
  • -1 Monster Reborn (For new Ban list)
  • -1 Terraforming, you only need one, I suggest you don't focus on hidden village.
  • Now...Time for the Add in's.
  • +1 One for one, Basically this is a great way to bring out fortune lady Lighty, its a one star and if you discard Watery it sets up perfectly. Too bad its limited. You will still use it.
  • +3 Dimensionhole...This is a retro card but its GREAT for fortune ladies. It removes the fortune lady for your turn and opponents turn and it comes back at your standby. Whats really great about this is that...If you one for one for Lighty, while discarding ANY fortune lady (Preferably Watery) then you Dimensionhole it you get a Darky straight out from your deck and if you can overpower what your opponent has you can revive that monster in your grave you dumped. As a spell, its more effective than Kinka-byo since you do not waste your summon. And if you have Lighty and this in your hand you could just summon it then play this card.
  • +1 Call of the Haunted, Even if its slow it does revive so its great for recycling something.
  • +1 Kinka-byo - This is a great card for re using Lighty
  • +1 Witch Catoblephas and Fate - Great, if you use this to get rid of opponents special summons you can also set up for Fortune Future.
  • +1 Allure of Darkness, Wont matter if you use Fortune Future
  • +1 Fortune Future, Three is a must so you can recycle the ones you use for allure and Witch.
  • +1 Sangan, helps search for Kinka to re use Lighty over and over again. And search night end.
  • +1 Giant Trunade, Its a great card. It clears the back row for your opponent so you can make sure they don't have anything that might kill your fortune ladies. Torrential and Mirror force are good examples. As a requirement...I like to have all the decks I use have this card because it has almost never been a dead draw for me.
  • Replace:
  • You might want to replace threatening with another bottomless. Or Vice versa, one leaves the monster on the field and protects lighty so you can take it off the field to get Firey to kill and deal damage, while the other kills the monster right away so you can just attack directly. I prefer bottomless but both are useful. Use two of either. One of each isn't consistent enough.
  • AS A NOTE, these edits are made using THE LIST ABOVE. Labeled Ms. Fortune. So reference that build. I did not write everything out in the build because well..Writing out everything is time consuming and there were things that were correct with the list I edited.
  • Hope this helps and please tell me your concerns/ideas about the deck, if I have time I would be glad to help since this archetype is interesting.--Takuma. 05:33, 17 August 2009 (UTC)
  • EDIT: I suggest you just remove the other terraforming as well. To make it an even 40 Cards. If you only Have one Hidden village you really don't need terraforming.
  • SECOND EDIT: New idea, Replace the Hidden village (last one) and the two tuners with three apprentice magicians. This will add a little more consistency to the deck I think. Tuners are useless with changing levels. Makes it hard to get what you want--Takuma. 05:50, 17 August 2009 (UTC)


I took out/added in some cards that were suggested and tried out the deck on DMU, so far it is okay, but if you have any more suggestions or tips I would love to hear about it and I did have a question about Cyber Valley I was wondering if I really did need him in the deck or is he just kind of a 'stall' card?

Sandy Sagebrush 19:46, September 5, 2009 (UTC)

Cyber Valley

Cyber Valley can stall for you in a pinch, but in here, it's will be its second effect that shines. Especially by using it with Lighty. Remove Lighty and Valley for two free draws, a free Fortune Lady, then use Fortune Future (the one that returns a Lady to the Grave for two draws)and get TWO MORE DRAWS. 3 Valleys are a must. (Akiza'sRose66). I forgot to log in before I posted >_>-- 11:13, September 6, 2009 (UTC)

"It was ruled that the removal and card draw/card return from Cyber Valley's 2nd and 3rd effect are not simultaneous. Fortune Lady Lighty will therefore miss the timing for her Optional Trigger." Falzar FZ 12:28, September 6, 2009 (UTC)

Don't think Cyber Valley isn't worth it, though. It's a good turn 1 summon, and its second/third effects set up for Fortune Future. Plus, it works really well with Kinka-Byo. Runer5h 16:15, September 6, 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

The Calculator

The Calculator since it's atk is based off the combined level's of all the monsters I have and fortune ladies all gain levels as the standby phases fly by I was wondering is this a good card to add? Side deck? Or just trash? Sandy Sagebrush 03:00, September 23, 2009 (UTC)

I doubt its usefulness. Runer5h 03:06, September 23, 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

If it was a Spellcaster, maybe, but it's not. Therefore, I would vote against the little guy.--Akiza'sRose66 11:26, September 23, 2009 (UTC)

How About..

I was thinking of maybe changing up the deck again. So I thought I would take out Swords, the two Threatening's and throwing in instead a Torrential Tribute, Bottomless Trap Hole and one Burden of the Mighty. How does that strike you all? I was thinking I needed to get rid of the things that simply 'stall' and try and remove the monster cards that would more or less overwhelm my ladies.

I thought by throwing in a Torrential because say if I had Lighty out and they had summoned a monster I could use Torrential to remove her from the field and thus activate her effect while at the same time clearing out my opponents monster field. As for the bottomless trap hole, well simple monster removal and Burden I thought I would add to maybe decrease my opponent's monsters atk, though I am not sure about that card but am willing to listen to some more suggestions.

Don't add in a torrential tribute. itmay be useful, but it takes out your ladies as well. Add a 2nd Burden of the mighty. 2 is better than one.--Evil Elmo 5:16, November 30, 2009 (UTC)
Actually, Light would special summon another monster, so you'd always be able to keep a monster on the field. So do use Torrential. Runer5h 22:20, November 30, 2009 (UTC)Runer5h