Forum:Quickdraw Warrior Synchro Deck - Need Help!

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Revision as of 13:48, 25 March 2011 by OmegaB1Gz (talk)
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Ok, I really want to make this deck tournament competitive, but I know right now that the build is nowhere near what it needs to be. I want this to run more or less like a Quickdraw Dandywarrior deck, but able to Special Summon faster (if at all humanly possible). Basically, I'd like to limit my normal summons to as few as possible with this deck.

Please tear into it and tell me what I need and what I should keep!

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Oh & i like this bit: "Please tear into it and tell me what I need and what I should keep!"

Here, we, go!

Something like that should be faster, basicly you had too many cards that didn't really do anything for the deck, or that were too restrictive on summoning more, especially as there are alot more monster destruction atm, apart from that, some shiney changes were made, though i skipped Solemn Warning & Pot of Duality as I figured they wouldn't fit price range :p-Resk (Talk) 20:18, March 24, 2011 (UTC)

I'm kind of iffy on the Allure of Darkness. Is it in there to mill or to actually gain a bit of hand advantage, because as far as I can tell, there's few Darks in there. And why the heavy emphasis on Trap Stun? And a more personal preference question I suppose, why no Quillbolt Hedgehogs? OmegaB1Gz (talkcontribs) 01:43, March 25, 2011 (UTC)OmegaB1Gz

For allure, it's because I miscounted, so you can swap it out, Trap Stun is at 3, because it's the best negation atm, play it during standbyphase before big plays & they can't stop you, as for Quillbolt Hedgehog, you don't have enough ways to get rid of it, as it's a dead draw, and i couldn't really find a way to fit it in around the other monsters, though I suppose you could drop allure & tytainial for 2 of them if you wanted-Resk (Talk) 10:41, March 25, 2011 (UTC)

Alright. What would you suggest as an alternative if I can't get a hold of a Tytannial, Princess of Camellias/Lonefire Blossom/Glow-Up Bulb? And I've read in a few other places that splashing cards like Debris Dragon, Card Trooper, Cosmic Compass, Snowman Eater, and some of the Monarchs in wouldn't be a terrible idea. Thoughts? OmegaB1Gz (talkcontribs) 13:48, March 25, 2011 (UTC)OmegaB1Gz