Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel 005

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Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel 005
Yu-Gi-Oh! chapters

The False Prophet is the fifth chapter of the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga. It was first printed in the Shonen Jump magazine and later reprinted in volume 1 of the Yu-G-Oh! graphic novels.

The psychic Kokurano has gained great popularity at Domino High. However Yugi Mutou is skeptical of his powers and upset by his intrest in Anzu Mazaki.


On the way to school, Katsuya Jonouchi tells Yugi, how his luck has been down lately. He's says clobbered four punks in a fight, but that he took a punch.

At school Anzu tells them about the psychic in their school, Kokurano, and that they say his predictions are really accurate. All the girls who have disappearing at recess have been going to get their fortunes took, Anzu explains, but she's not into that stuff herself.

Jonouchi however is fired up on hearing this. His face glistens at the thought of getting his fortune read. Ignoring any objections, Forcefully he grabs Anzu and Yugi rushing out to meet Kokurano.

They arrive at a classroom, packed with people. Jonouchi notices nearly everyone there is a girl. Afraid of damaging his pride, he shouts out "Geez! I can't believe you dragged me here, Anzu!" Caught between fury and shock Anzu yells back "What?! Who dragged who here?!!" One of Kokurano's attendants shouts at them to keep quiet, their negative energy is disrupting Kokurano's concentration.

One obese fangirl is told her fortune, that as long as she doesn't die, she will continue to live. Oblivious to the lack of any actual future being told, bar the obvious, she is easily infatuated.

When the trio are next in line, Jonouchi prompts Anzu to get her fortune told. As she objects, the room suddenly shakes as an earthquake occurs. Kokurano then quotes Jonouchi, that he had said "get your fortune told". He tells Jonouchi that he is no fortune teller. Unlike other methods such as astrology and plam reading, which are only effective because they rely on stastics, he sees clear visions of the future. He then hands Jonouchi a slip of paper, he had wrote someting on earlier, and asks him to read it out loud for everyone to hear. Jonouchi reads the slip, saying "Earthquake today". The whole room applauds.

Now impressed Anzu slides forward, saying that maybe she will get her fortune told after all. Kokurano begins to feel her hand. This enrages Yugi. Kokurano himself feels privileged, having admired Anzu for so long. He looks at his two attendants, thinking they are beginning to bore him and that he can seduce Anzu by using his powers. Kokurano tells her that she will see a wonderful man, already close to her. She will fall so deeply in love, that she will swoon before him. Anzu's thoughts melt, as she wonders if it could be the man who saved her.

Kokurano calls for the next in line. Jonouchi steps up and Kokurano says that he's having bad luck. Jonouchi is impressed and begins to explain that he got in a fight, but Kokurano cuts him off and calls for the next in line. Jonouchi yells out displeasured that that's it. He walks away muttering as Yugi is called forward.

Yugi says he hates to be rude, but he has the feeling most psychics are fake. One of the attendants quickly shafts Yugi for his disbelief in Kokurano, reminding him that Kokurano just predicted the earthquake. Yugi says that he saw a trick like it on TV. If Kokurano wrote "Earthquake today" along with other predictions, that wouldn't be a real prediction. Kokurano begins to wave his arms frantically as he predicts Yugi's future, "Countless letters will fall from the heavens and bring disaster upon you".

Reason for Challenge

Kanekura, so called "fortune teller", used Chloroform to knock out Anzu. Also, he discovered Kanekura has ways of decieving others into believing he is a fortune teller. Yami Yugi realised that Anzu was in danger after Kanekura tried to crush him under "Countless letters", he chased after Kanekura and challenged him.


Pieces of paper are placed spread out on a table, overlapping each other in the middle of the table. The Chloroform bottle is placed on top of the area of the papers where they're all overlaping each other. Players take turns swiping out one piece of paper.

If a player knocks the bottle over, they loose.

If Kanekura wins, Yugi will acknowledge him as a true fortune teller.

If Yugi wins, Kanekura suffers a penalty game

The Game

Yugi goes first, swiping out a piece of paper. He yanked the paper out so quick that it pulled the bottle along with it for some of the way, but the bottle doesnt fall. Kanekura does the same, drawing the bottle to the corner of the table. Yugi pulls another piece of paper out, so that only half of the bottle is still on the table, while the other half is suspended above the ground. Since there is no way Kanekura can win, Yugi starts the penalty game, causing Kanekura to believe that he is using his "phychic powers" to levitate the bottle, when in reality, the bottle is hast moved from its half-way position. Yugi asks him why he doesnt pull the paper out, since the bottle is levitating. Kanekura pulls it out, knocking the bottle of chloroform onto the floor, and shattering all over Kanekura, putting him out cold. Yugi sees the inside Kanekura's coat, he has hundreds of "predictions" written down inside his coat, so that if just about anything happens, he can pull out card that has what happened written on it, and claim he wrote it earlier when he saw it happen in a vision.

Penalty Game

Imagination:Kanekuara sees the bottle levitating