Forum talk:Decks for Free!

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Revision as of 08:55, 17 December 2009 by NYKid8295 (talk) (Dark Armed Relinquish - Thorin7)
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can you help me build an armed dragon deck

  • Please post your requests on the actual forum page, not on the talk page. --Bluedog (Talk) 02:56, 21 August 2009 (UTC)

Trial Deck : Red-Eyes : Unknown User

His version:

My Rendition:

This is the trial deck that I worked without a budget. --Flushy 12:04, November 30, 2009 (UTC)

  • This could be beter. 3 REDMD is mandatory, you only used two and you have 8 dumping cards without Necro Gardnas. However, Raigeki Break is a nice touch, very OCG style. I like that. Anyways, I'll tell BEWK to look at this. --Tantara (talk) 00:35, December 1, 2009 (UTC)
Tantara is right, 3 Darkness Metal Dragons are needed, but otherwise, it is a fine build. A few edits would help, (i.e. -1 Grepher, +1 Metal Dragon), but it is a definite improvement. -bewk

Trial Deck Number 2: Beast Deck for Kungfu mama

Her Variation:

My Rendition:

Another deck made without using budget. This deck utilizes the return ability of D.D. Scout Plane and the removal abilities of Bazoo the Soul-Eater, with beast and machine-types : Beast Machine King Barbaros Ür. --Flushy 11:40, December 3, 2009 (UTC)

I can see where you are going, and I like the direction. Your trap line-up could have been better, and the monsters could use some refining. A few minor edits, like always, but I still don't mind the deck. What do you think, Tantara? -bewk
  • I'm interested in the fact that he went with Bazoo. I was thinking that he'd go the Moja Drain, route. The trap lineup is decent, I'd add in a COTH and maybe a Trap Dustshoot, here. The utilization of Monarchs instead of, say, Giant Rat to fill up the grave tells me something about his preferences. Something I notice here is the inclusion of Pot of Avarice despite the heavy use of Bazoo, a very contradictory choice. All in all, A- --Tantara (talk) 00:29, December 4, 2009 (UTC)
    • Would you mind giving the duelists their decks? You can edit them if you'd like. Thanks! --Tantara (talk) 00:31, December 4, 2009 (UTC)

Trial Deck 3 :Zombie World Chaos for Robert?

His version:

My Rendtion:

Ok, I got this idea by fusing Light attributed zombie Counterparts with Dark-based Zombies. Hence, Chaos appeared. How would you guys like it? Dark or light, or better still,Chaos. That's far too random. Hey, if you have noticed, I used the same trap set-up all and all over again, there's a reason for it. Most decks are graveyard based as you can notice. Hence, Raigeki Break is frequently used to clear all sorts of obstacles if I happen to have something I want to dump something in to the graveyard from my hand. Raigeki Break is preferred over Lightning Vortex because it is not a trap card, its too situational and cant be used in the Opponent's turn, Raigeki break is far too flexible. Raigeki Break is chosed over PWWB because the card is not really destroyed, it only slows the opponent down, and he can do it all over again. Tribute monsters aren't really the in thing now. Worse still, monarchs can reuse their effects again. Rituals are rising, but still cliche. And Brionac is just way easy to summon. Raigeki Break is chose over Hand Destruction as it is a -1 for you, but not really for the opponent. Your opponent renews his hand. --Flushy 09:38, December 5, 2009 (UTC)

Your entire card line-up could could use some refining, but it's not a bad deck. Your logic is mostly solid, and you will need that in Decks for Free!. -bewk
  • I would've added a couple of Necro Gardna to take advantage of Burial, but that's just personal preference. Pretty good build. The biggest flaw I see is that there is no Call of the Haunted. In a zombie deck. --Tantara (talk) 01:23, December 6, 2009 (UTC)

Dark Armed Relinquish - Thorin7

Though it has been worked on, more ideas can be generated from this unique idea.

His version:

My Edit:

The meaning of Relinquished has the same as sacrificed. Hence, the name of the deck is Sacrificial Ritual. This is a graveyard-based ritual deck. Enough said. I added in Grinder Golem/Lava Golem, so that Relinquished can catch it if the opponent does not have enough powerful monsters. Necro Gardna is added in to protect monsters. --Flushy 02:01, December 13, 2009 (UTC)

The deck is okay, but it could have been better. Your card choices are not great in this deck. A good 6.5/10. Do not take this the wrong way, this is not a bad rating. -bewk
  • It looks decent to me, I'd play a few copies of Burial from a Different Dimension over Ritual Cage. This type of deck doesn't give you much manuevering room, I think it looks pretty good. I like the conventional trap lineup, here. --Tantara (talk) 04:04, December 13, 2009 (UTC)
  • Even though i am the youngest and newest on the team i still feel i should assert myself as part of the team. I know taht this sounds really arrogant but it is not. I just want to say that i am here and i plan to be active. All of that crap aside, i think that the deck is good. It looks smooth and has a certain degree of aggressiveness. What i do not see is originality. I dont like to see every deck be a deck that is this generic. I mean, come on. All we are seeing these days is Dark Grepher, DAD, Armageddon Knight, and Gorz. Dont get me wrong, they are great cards but everyone uses them. I am ok with DAD because he is very powerful and is an easy win condition that should be added to most DARK decks. But Gorz and Grepher. I mean, there was so much room for originality in this deck but you went with Grepher and Necro Gardna and Armageddon, which is ok but he uses too many resources. This is why we see so little originality these days. Because duelists use the same outline for DARK decks: Grepher, Gorz, Necro, DAD, and Armageddon! There was room to do anything you want in the deck but you didnt. I understand that these are trials and you want to play it safe but you cant give everybody the same thing when something else works just as good. Besides this, there is a major flaw in the deck: BEsides SOlemn and maybe Ritual Cage, you do not have a way to protect Quishie. You need some Dark Bribes so that he isnt Bottomlessed when summoned or destroyed by a mirror force and anything else. Besides that, Ritual Cage is useless because Quishie's effect delivers the battle damage you take from him to your opponent and not you so there isn't a need for it. I am sorry if this sounds harsh but you could have done more with the deck than using all these cards that are -1's when Quishie is already a -3 right there. If i had to rate this it would be a 6-6.5 out of 10 because you are dumping way too much in the grave for my opinion when you cant use it besides Necro, Ritual Cage is useless, You cant protect Quishie, Preparation of Rites is only used after you summon a Quishie, Overall there were better card choiches for some of those slots and Originality wasnt there for me. Unfortunately, 6.5 is not a good score to me, it is average. You deserve that score mainly because the deck is aggressive and somewhat powerful as well as it was original that you go for Grinder Golem or Lava Golem but the problem with that is that they are dead draws if Quishie is destroyed and only Lava can be used to help you win because of his burn effect. Like i said, this deck needs to give Quishie more protection and needs to make up for Quishie's -3 instead of adding to it. Sorry but that is what i think and i will stand by it. NYKid8295 17:27, December 14, 2009 (UTC)

I also have two things to add: 1. Quishie is about control, and burning your opponent using his effect so it isnt really about taking strong monsters from him. It would be good to steal a DAD if you could but it isnt essential so you cant rely on Relinquished only. 2. What do you all think about my version of the deck? NYKid8295 17:29, December 14, 2009 (UTC)

  • What I want to say is, Protection, is what I will think of less. I made this deck purely for aggro purposes. Not really for control. If you covered yourself too well, you will find out that you will have less attacking space. I would have added in 3 Pollinosis for your case. It sounded harsh, but I will prove to you that I'm a more complicated deck maker than anybody else, than what you think originally. I will make you take back your words about originality.--Flushy 04:07, December 16, 2009 (UTC)
  • Pollinosis is too much because the deck isnt used to summon Plants from the grave at all. Only limit Reverse and Call of the Haunted are used for that which are used to summon Lonefire for its effect. I used Solemn and Dark bribe instead of Pollinosis and Tytannial is used instead of it anyway. Quishie is about control and he is suited to a playstyle a little slower than what you are thinking of so that is why i used him the way i did. Sorry if i sounded harsh but i need to see originality and with Quishie you had so much room to show it but you didnt. Not all decks are Aggro, especially Quishie ones that are designed for control, not one shot Aggro. Sorry:/ NYKid8295 15:36, December 16, 2009 (UTC)
  • You failed to realize that the tokens are plant tokens, generated by Black Garden. Maybe 3 Pollinosis is too much, but 2 is fair. By having much aggro decks in the current meta game, from Dark Armed Dragon to Colossal Fighter, Relinquished gains more power by catching them. Its not control, but, turn their own force against them. That's the theme and real meaning behind using Relinquished. Its a fast-paced game, evolving more and faster than you think. I did not mean that your deck was bad, but we were taking different directions. Which is like, DUH. --Flushy 15:43, December 16, 2009 (UTC)
  • My deck is a deck that focuses on control and slowing the opponent down, not going aggressive to try and outdo them. What you are talking about is still control but you dont see that. I am well aware of Black Garden and what it does. I already have Tytannial and i dont need 2 more Pollinosis if i already have Tytannial. She does the same thing besides destroying monsters when they are special summoned or normal summoned but i already have Quishie to control my opponent's monster count. There wasnt a lot of space in the deck. Black Garden isnt the main ting in the deck, it is something that is deployed after the user is ready so that it doesnt impede you. Quishie screams control and i cant understand how you cannot see that. It is about using your opponent's power against them but slowing the game down and taking control of it. I could add a pollinosis if i add another Garden but at 2, pollinosis and tytannial are too much. NYKid8295 21:06, December 16, 2009 (UTC)
  • Firstly, your deck is your deck, mine is mine. We run on different aspects of Relinquish. Secondly, you are blindly rejecting to free solemns, where you can take them. In any case, if you are running Black Garden variant, Dark Bribe is way inferior to Pollinosis. Why not make use of that advantage? You said you don't sound arrogant, where you truely do sound arrogant. There's no point continuing this discussion, since you just wanted to prove to others that Relinquish is a control-'ONLY card, by repeating the CONTROL aspect all and all over again. No much aggro can be introduced to it. My point is, my style of this deck is aggressive for most decks. You want control? Use the Dijinns of Ritual. If you can't take it, so be it. --Flushy 07:27, December 17, 2009 (UTC)
  • I am not arrogant and if you knew your place you would shut up. I am on Decks for Free! and you're not. I can take constructive criticism, not crap from you so learn to be quiet. I used the Djinns of rituals for as much as i could without overdoing them when i dont need them. 2 Releasers are enough with two Armageddon Knights and 2 Mystic Tomatoes. It isnt only control and i didnt say that. Pollinosis costs more than Dark Bribe because you need to tribute plant monster for that and if you look at my monster line up there arent many unless i use Black Garden. Dark Bribe can be used at any time, not only when i am at an advantage. NYKid8295 08:55, December 17, 2009 (UTC)

Dreadmaster OTK : for Awesomepossum

My deck for him:

Phantom of Chaos + Norleras. Nuff said. For this OTK set-up, we need Clock Tower Prison, with 4 counters. But Dread Servant is excluded because its slow, and when its effect triggers wrongly, it will turn the whole thing into a disaster instead of an OTK. I played 3 Terraforming instead of 2, or none, for faster field searching, and when I already have a Clock Tower Prison, Terraforming can be used for Summoner Monk's effect. --Flushy 04:24, December 16, 2009 (UTC)

  • Here i see much better use of your cards and i like it. It is pretty fast. You might want to add another Phantom to set up the otk faster but still good. You did better on this. I still dont say that this is original though. I like out of the box, cool, awesome, i-wish-i-thought-of-that originality. One or two original cards arent enough to me but i guess that isnt everything in TCG's but innovation is still key and shows you think of all possible directions. I also think that in a help forum like this you need to be original and not give customers builds like you gave to everybody else. You can only think of so many but you have to be unique so that the customer will have fun too. NYKid8295 15:40, December 16, 2009 (UTC)
  • Unfortunately, I'm not a TCG player. I am an OCG player. You all lack Duel Terminal cards, but we do not. But that's not the main point. You do realize that most meta ideas are generated from OCG. Perhaps I said this because I have not been in much contact TCG meta. We tried to create our own trait of play, but it comes depending on per case/situation. You can't be expected to be creative over all your works, but at least, a little unique trait is included in every of our builds. Running on a whole different concept is what you call "true-creativity". Sometimes, even if you feel that you have a VERY GOOD, OUT OF THE WORLD IDEA, but it might not work. OCG is all about being practical, even your idea might seem feasible, sometimes you might get a hell load of dead-draws, making the deck a null. What I want to say is, originality and innovation should be included, but when you can do it. I definitely can do it. Its just depends in the situation I am working in. In decks for free, I choose to give people more feasible builds, because they are interested in the game, and its a good start to give them a good build if they want to start from here, in Decks for Free. --Flushy 15:57, December 16, 2009 (UTC)

But you have to test your idea and develop it more than just using the cards that come to mind. You tune it to work and work well. If the idea isnt feasible dont use it but nobody said you have to. You try something else and if that works you help it along to its final stages, refine it, and give it a try. You shouldnt give up after trying something new out and it doesnt work. Try something else new and see if that works. It's a process and deckbuilding is a process. You might not do what you were thinking of but while considering the possibilities for that variant, you get another idea. You have to brainstorm, not follow a set recipe all the time or just come up with one idea. New deck ideas can always be feasible if you can find cards and engines or strategies that complement them. Like, for example, the spirit deck that i am taking. I am combining them with fortune ladies and future visions as well as using RFG in the from of Izanagi and Fortune future, and other cards like that. I am using control in teh form of Hino Tsuchi, Tsukuyomi, Lady Fire. I am using Kinka Byo to abuse Lady Light. I came up with all of that just from looking at the request and looking up spirit monsters. NYKid8295 21:22, December 16, 2009 (UTC)

  • This is a refreshing build, but it needs some tweaks. MST, Heavy Storm, (maybe) Mystic Tomato, and one more Destiny Draw would all be nice here. If the card line-up was refined to a greater extent, you'd get more than a 7.5. -bewk
  • I excluded Heavy Storm for practical reasons, despite being a staple, I excluded it due to the fact that this deck runs on ability based on Clock Tower Prison. There are actually 3 ways to build this deck. One of them is to use Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua, like the one in my Destiny Hero guide, another is by using Black Rose Dragon. Sky Scourge Norleras is selected instead of the other 2 field clearers as it also clears the hand, stopping the opponent from using their Gorz. --Flushy 06:53, December 17, 2009 (UTC)