User talk:TheTricky17

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Revision as of 20:43, 14 August 2010 by Drew-Gi-Oh! (talk)
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Hey There

Hey, yeah. Just say something...

Dark Scorpions

Sure, I'll look into it. Do you have any of these cards:

If you have any other notable cards, let me know. I'll work on it right away. Also, are you doing Advanced or Traditional Format?

--Drew-Gi-Oh! (talk) 16:49, August 13, 2010 (UTC)

I have:

...but i plan on getting Mirror Force in the Marik structure deck, and I plan on getting Dark Armed Dragon in the upcoming Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste tin. And I think my cousin has Big Bang Shot and/or Rising Energy so I can trade for both/one of those. I will be using advanced format. I have Dark Scorpion Combination and Mustering of the Dark Scorpions. I also have two Command Knight, one Drill Synchron, and cards that stop attacks, like Negate Attack and Threatening Roar. --TheTricky17 (talkcontribs) 20:30, August 13, 2010 (UTC)

Okay, I finished the build, and I can tell you, it works pretty well.

Here's how it works: you got the basic line-up of all the Dark Scorpion cards (besides Dark Scorpion Combination, which is pretty much useless, in my view), along with some of the Dark Counterparts like Grepher, Nephthys, DAD, and the Dark Creator, who give the Dark Scorpions a power boost that they were lacking. Shadow Delver, Cyber Dragon, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness and Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter all help in their own way, with beatdown, attacking directly, destruction, or OTK stopping. For the spells, Allure of Darkness and Veil of Darkness give draw power, and Veil protects from dead Dark Scorpion draws, and fills the graveyard with Darks. Shrink, Rush Recklessly, and Mustering of the Dark Scorpions work wonders with the Dark Scorpions, and ROTA/The Warrior Returning Alive are useful for searching and reviving. Bottomless Trap Hole, CED, Karma Cut, and Mirror Force are all there to A.) be annyoing and b.) help the Scorpions attack directly. Call of the Haunted is basic Revival, and lets you bring back tribute monsters like Gorz, Nephthys, and Gorg. Dark Bribe protects the Scorps from harm, and also protects your backrow, which is another weakness, and gets rid of nasty cards that prevent Attacking. I also have a pool of cards you CAN use for your side deck, if you choose to have one.

Remember, this is just a RECOMMENDATION. Side Decks need to have EXACTLY 15 cards or LESS. If you have any questions, problems, concerns, or anything else, let me know and I'll help you out. Good Luck! --Drew-Gi-Oh! (talk) 20:42, August 14, 2010 (UTC)